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1997 Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information Conference

Biographies Of Conference Speakers

Reed Tuckson Molly J. Coyle Tom Ferguson Reed Hundt
Reed Tuckson, MD, President of Drew University, raised the challenge of reaching the underserved on the Information Superhighway. Link to Biography. Molly Joel Coye, MD, MPH, Vice President of HealthDesk Corporation, assessed the impact of advanced multi-function CHI systems that are implemented through providers or directly to consumers. Link to Biography. Tom Ferguson, MD, Senior Associate at Harvard's Center for Clinical Computing, presented a futuristic perspective on cyberspace, particularly health information, support groups and self-help communities. Link to Biography. The Honorable Reed Hundt. Chariman, Federal Communications Commission. Chairman Hundt holds a key position in telecommunications policy and particularly the implementation of the 1996 federal Telecommunications Act. Link to Biography

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1997 Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information Conference

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Last updated on June 26, 2003

National Health Information Center
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Washington, DC 20013-1133