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     Sales Volume and Average Wholesale Prices of Selected Fishery Products
         at 10 Major Central Wholesale Markets in Japan, September 1999

                                  September           January-September 1999    
                              ----------------    -----------------------------
Fishery Products                M.T     Yen/kg        M.T      %   Yen/kg    %
Grand total                   180,300      808    1,571,873    98     829   100
Fresh, total                   79,001      761      668,990   100     818    99
 Bluefin tuna                   1,341    2,229        9,025   127   2,270    86
 Bigeye tuna                    1,029    1,408       10,114    94   1,315    98
 Yellowfin tuna                 1,785    1,046       18,470   102   1,008    98
 Other tuna                       827      860       14,242   128     758    99
 Skipjack                       4,611      335       26,862   103     531   105
 Salmon                         3,219      574       15,808   107     820    96
 Sardine                        3,469      300       36,764   110     259    88
 Jack mackerel                  4,428      495       45,164    89     471   113
 Mackerel                       5,062      353       41,701    79     349   122
 Saury                         10,034      550       17,555    79     594   125
 Yellowtail, wild               2,499      713       14,698   110     833    98
 Yellowtail, cultured           2,916    1,224       33,621    91   1,140   105
 Flounder, live/fresh             618    2,144        6,177    92   1,985   101
 Flounder, live                   322    2,639        3,255    89   2,267   103
 Sole                           1,157      953       14,361    96     862    97
 Cod                              638      601        8,088    89     573   117
 Croaker                          100      356        1,871   100     335    82
 Conger-Pike                      366    1,086        2,940   119   1,313    81
 Cuttlefish                       911      621        6,401    98     763    97
 Red snapper, live/fresh        3,436      854       31,834   110     865    87
 Red snapper, live              1,839      819       17,761   107     810    87
 Other snapper                    556      778        4,298    89     912    99
 Spanish mackerel               1,660      600       25,211   116     453    79
 Tiger Prawn                      142    4,629        1,111    77   6,203   124
 Shrimp                           520    1,728        4,799   102   1,800    96
 Crab                           1,292    1,472       11,037    99   1,549    98
 Squid, common                  4,964      351       36,730   123     411    82
 Cuttlefish                        87      903        2,228   106     618    87
 Other squid                    1,640      980       14,195   102   1,043    96
 Eel                              220    1,436        2,471    96   2,118    98
 Short-neck clam, with shell    1,635      472       18,059   102     456    97
 Scallop, with shell              723      493        7,762    90     498   104
 Oyster, without shell            123    1,094        7,246   119     893    98
 Bloody clam, with shell          482    1,002        5,245   103     917   101
 Freshwater clam, with shell    1,002      446        9,662   101     445    96

Frozen, total                  44,407      930      394,021    98     914   100
 Bluefin tuna                   1,650    2,783      394,021    98     914   100
 Bigeye tuna                    3,309    1,210       32,268    84   1,159   119
 Bigeye tuna, imports           1,203    1,324       11,218    86   1,284   118
 Yellowfin                      1,082    1,068       11,916    90     911   118
 Billfish                         659      816        7,346    89     714   101
 Salmon*                        4,391      659       34,990    89     734   108
 Salmon*, imports               2,734      723       26,163    88     737   110
 Pink salmon                      768      716        9,525    99     678   112
 Herring                          476      166        7,792   177     148    86
 Jack mackerel                    394      260        3,411    91     281    95
 Mackerel                       1,073      350       11,395   100     379    86
 Saury                          1,504      423        4,918    75     410   151
 Sole                           2,531      469       20,576   109     493    97
 Cod                              727      567        4,888    89     645   119
 Sea bream                        201      628        1,848    81     593    96
 Spanish mackerel                 426      484        4,671   112     475    78
 Shrimp, domestic                 858    1,604        6,844   108   1,582    92
 Shrimp, imports                3,978    1,513       32,614   101   1,542    87
 Squid, common                  1,106      295       10,918    78     348   121
 Cuttlefish                       885      774        8,734   103     783    86
 Other squid                    1,655      644       18,207   100     616    92
 Octopus                        3,334      612       26,730   116     673    83
 Surimi                         1,658      339       13,613   108     333    99
Processed, total               55,244      783      492,246    94     785   100
 Sardine                        1,123      782       12,310    96     769    94
 Jack mackerel                  1,932      574       19,470    97     558   101
 Mackerel                         257      582        2,804    96     584    89
 Saury                            529      567        5,878    82     540   111
 Salmon                         5,537      735       32,534    83     902   116
 Pink salmon                      435      465        3,506   126     535   104
 Mackerel                       1,280      463       11,826   109     500    83
 Salmon roe                     1,069    2,777        7,696   120   3,069   106
 Pollock roe                    1,527    1,989       13,079    97   1,856   105
 Herring roe                      384    3,339        2,327   122   1,833    88
 Surimi-based products          8,957      498       83,884   489      97
M.T. = metric tons; % = comparison with the same period a year earlier.
* = excluding pink salmon

Source:  NMFS, Long Beach, CA
Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu

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