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     Average Wholesale Prices and Sales Volume of Selected Fishery Products
           at 10 Major Central Wholesale Markets in Japan, April 2006

                                   April                 January - April       
                              ----------------     ----------------------------
Fishery Products                M.T     Yen/kg        M.T      %    Yen/kg   % 
Grand total                   144,564      814      569,667    93     785   104 

Fresh, total                   55,502      886      234,296    95     844   104       
 Bluefin tuna                     651    3,571        2,667    75   3,518   123 
 Bigeye tuna                      805    1,294        3,019    89   1,274   110 
 Yellowfin tuna                 1,479    1,115        5,417    96   1,079   109 
 Skipjack                       2,234      790        4,672    69     701   123
 Salmon*                        1,263      974        4,751    88     892   119
 Sardine                          792      411        4,392   138     365    73
 Jack mackerel                  3,900      475       15,529    95     407    98
 Mackerel                       2,972      372       14,486    95     360    98
 Saury                          1,054      218        3,868   114     223    81 
 Yellowtail, cultured           3,852      898       20,593    98     807   103
 Flounder                       1,566      853        6,087   110     824    97
 Cod                              775      672        7,243   120     573    99 
 Red snapper                    3,762      912       13,913    97     855   107 
 Spanish mackerel               1,742      733        7,671    92     579   104 
 Crab                             922    1,416        3,831    98   1,486    99
 Squid, common                    964      669        7,222    73     524   103 
 Scallop, with shell            1,100      458        3,558   108     491    94
 Oyster, without shell            216      659        5,613   109     831   104
Frozen, total                  38,043      842      144,704    91     800   104
 Bluefin tuna                   1,693    2,627        6,094    95   2,458   106
 Albacore                          78      974          272   112     923    90
 Bigeye tuna                    3,735      859       13,719    92     829   102
 Yellowfin                      1,607      740        6,490   109     662    98 
 Salmon*                        5,621      626       21,641   106     584   113
 Pink salmon                    1,058      717        3,339    96     684   118 
 Mackerel                       1,240      520        5,061    63     506   132 
 Sole                           1,716      689        7,161    86     640   108
 Shrimp, imports                3,264    1,257       11,861    87   1,212   108
 Squid, common                  1,407      385        4,379   120     362    98
 Octopus                        1,631      827        6,667    90     816    99 
 Surimi                         1,043      337        4,840    94     329   113

Processed, total               48,607      727      181,748    93     713   102 
 Salmon*                        3,203      726       11,336    98     721   111
 Pink salmon                309      678        1,166    78     655   114 
 Salmon roe                       869    2,319        2,801   103   2,292    99
 Pollock roe                    1,135    2,028        4,154    99   2,028    93 
 Herring roe                       97    1,597          591   131   1,251    83 
 Surimi-based products          6,811      498       29,413    92     488   105 
M.T. = metric tons; % = comparison with the same period a year earlier.
* = excluding pink salmon
Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu


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