Internet Address:       For release: Thursday, August 14, 2008
Media Contact: Michael L. Dolfman,(212) 337-2500
Information: Martin Kohli,(646) 264-3620

        Northeast Region Consumer Price Index: July 2008
     Retail prices in the Northeast region, as measured by the
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), rose 0.8
percent in July, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S.
Department of Labor reported today.  Michael L. Dolfman, the
Bureau's regional commissioner, noted that increases in the
housing and food and beverages indexes were largely responsible
for the recent advance; only the apparel and recreation indexes
were lower since June.  The July level of 234.545 (1982-84=100)
was 5.7 percent higher than a year ago-the largest 12-month
increase since February 1991.  Over the same period, the core
inflation rate, as measured by the all items less food and energy
index, rose 2.6 percent.  (See table 1.)

Chart A.  1-month and 12-month percent changes ended July 2008
for the major categories of the CPI-U for the Northeast region,
not seasonally adjusted
Chart A. 1-month and 12-month percent changes ended July 2008 for the major categories of the CPI-U for the Northeast region, not seasonally adjusted

     The housing index rose 1.3 percent in July, due primarily to
higher shelter prices.  The shelter index, which includes rent of
primary residence, lodging away from home, owners' equivalent
rent of primary residence, and tenants' and household insurance,
increased 1.0 percent over the month and was 2.1 percent higher
over the year.  Also contributing to the overall rise in the
housing index were higher fuels and utilities prices, up 3.7
percent over the month.  Utility (piped) gas service prices
jumped 8.3 percent in July to a level 27.1 percent higher than a
year ago.  Electricity prices increased for the fourth
consecutive month, up 13.4 percent since March and 2.9 percent
over the month.  Since July 2007, electricity prices were 7.7
percent higher.  The fuels and utilities index advanced 22.5
percent since last year.  Prices for household furnishings and
operations, the third component of the housing index, were down
0.5 percent in July and were 0.2 percent lower than last year.
Over the last 12 months, the overall housing index advanced 4.5

     Due mostly to a 1.3-percent rise in food at home prices, the
food and beverages index was up 1.0 percent since June.  Over the
year, food at home prices rose 6.5 percent-the largest 12-month
advance since April 1990.  Prices for food away from home (0.6
percent) and alcoholic beverages (0.8 percent) were also higher
over the month; these two components posted over-the-year
increases of 4.1 and 4.6 percent, respectively.  The overall food
and beverages index advanced 5.4 percent over the last 12 months.

     The transportation index rose 0.5 percent in July due mainly
to higher gasoline prices, which rose for the fifth straight
month, up 33.2 percent since February and 0.8 percent since June.
Gasoline prices were 38.0 percent higher over the year-the
largest over-the-year increase since September 2005, when prices
were 60.6 percent higher due to the effects of Hurricanes Katrina
and Rita.  Since July 2007, the transportation index advanced
12.9 percent.

     The other goods and services index increased for the seventh
straight month, up 4.6 percent since December and 1.5 percent
since June.  Over the year, the other goods and services index
(which includes tobacco and smoking products, personal care
products and services, and miscellaneous personal services such
as legal, funeral, and laundry and dry cleaning services) was 5.2
percent higher.

     The education and communication index was up 0.6 percent in
July.  Due to increases in 10 of the last 12 months, the
education and communication index was 5.1 percent higher than
last year.

     Following no change in June, medical care prices were up 0.4
percent in July, due largely to higher prices for medical care
services.  Medical care services prices rose 0.5 percent over the
month and 3.3 percent over the year.  The medical care
commodities index also increased, up 0.3 percent since last month
and 3.5 percent since last year.  The overall medical care index
advanced 3.4 percent over the last 12 months.

     The remaining categories had price declines in July.  The
apparel index had a smaller-than-normal seasonal decrease of 2.1
percent over the month.  The recent June-July decrease was lower
than the 3.2-percent average for the same one-month period for
the last five years.  Despite the recent decline, apparel prices
were 0.2 percent higher over the year.

     Following six consecutive months of increases totaling 2.6
percent, recreation prices inched down 0.1 percent in July.  Over
the year, the recreation index was 2.5 percent higher.
     The energy index, which reflects prices for gasoline and
household fuels, increased 2.3 percent in July.  The recent
advance was due mainly to higher prices for utility (piped) gas
service (8.3 percent) and electricity (2.9 percent).  Also
contributing to the advance in the overall energy index were
higher gasoline prices (0.8 percent).  The energy index was 31.1
percent higher than in July 2007.

     The Northeast region is comprised of Connecticut, Maine,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, and Vermont.

NYLS - 7343                                      Labor - New York

     The relative importance of a component of the CPI is its
expenditure or value weight expressed as a percentage of all
items within an area.  Relative importance ratios show
approximately how the index population distributes expenditures
when the value weights are collected and represent an estimate of
how consumers would distribute their expenditures as prices
change over time.  Relative importance ratios cannot be used as
estimates of current spending patterns or as indicators of
changing consumer expenditures in the intervals between weight
revisions because consumption patterns are influenced by
factors-including income, variations in climate, family size, and
availability of new and different kinds of goods and
services-other than price change. (See table A.)

Table A (2005-2006 Weights). Relative importance of components
 in the Consumer Price Index, Northeast Region, December 2007
                   Item and group                     CPI-U
                Expenditure category
All items                                            100.000
 Food and beverages                                   15.009
  Food                                                13.961
   Food at home                                        7.703
   Food away from home                                 6.258
  Alcoholic beverages                                  1.048
 Housing                                              44.377
  Shelter                                             34.775
   Rent of primary residence                           6.527
   Owners' equivalent rent of primary residence       24.696
  Fuels and utilities                                  5.691
    Household energy                                   5.043
     Gas (piped) and electricity                       3.983
      Electricity                                      2.617
      Utility (piped) gas service                      1.366
  Household furnishings and operations                 3.911
 Apparel                                               3.697
 Transportation                                       16.030
  Private transportation                              14.685
   New and used motor vehicles                         6.306
    New vehicles                                       4.093
    Used cars and trucks                               1.315
   Motor fuel                                          4.643
    Gasoline (all types)                               4.472
 Medical care                                          5.780
  Medical care commodities                             1.469
  Medical care services                                4.311
   Professional services                               2.512
 Recreation                                            5.387
 Education and communication                           6.455
 Other goods and services                              3.265

             Commodity and service group
 Commodities                                          38.761
 Commodities less food and beverages                  23.752
  Nondurables less food and beverages                 14.799
  Durables                                             8.954
 Services                                             61.239

              Special aggregate indexes
 All items less medical care                          94.220
 All items less shelter                               65.225
 Commodities less food                                24.800
 Nondurables                                          29.807
 Nondurables less food                                15.846
 Services less rent of shelter                        26.745
 Services less medical care services                  56.928
 Energy                                                9.686
 All items less energy                                90.314
  All items less food and energy                      76.353

Table 1. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Indexes and percent changes for selected periods
                                Northeast (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)
                                                             Indexes                Percent change from-   
                 Item and Group                                                                            
                                                    May       June       July      July      May     June  
                                                   2008       2008       2008      2007     2008     2008  
              Expenditure category                                                                         
  All items....................................   230.089    232.649    234.545      5.7      1.9      0.8 
  All items (December 1977=100) ...............   362.320    366.350    369.336        -        -        - 
   Food and beverages..........................   216.834    217.241    219.381      5.4      1.2      1.0 
    Food.......................................   216.491    216.856    219.022      5.5      1.2      1.0 
     Food at home..............................   216.798    216.993    219.811      6.5      1.4      1.3 
     Food away from home.......................   219.112    219.696    221.073      4.1       .9       .6 
    Alcoholic beverages........................   220.239    221.211    222.971      4.6      1.2       .8 
   Housing.....................................   241.804    245.344    248.478      4.5      2.8      1.3 
    Shelter....................................   284.456    286.537    289.487      2.1      1.8      1.0 
     Rent of primary residence 1/.............    272.267    273.571    275.313      4.2      1.1       .6 
     Owners' equivalent rent of primary                                                                    
         residence 1/ 2/ ......................   292.731    293.568    293.833      2.2       .4       .1 
    Fuels and utilities........................   231.272    246.288    255.437     22.5     10.4      3.7 
     Household energy..........................   219.610    235.551    244.871     24.7     11.5      4.0 
      Gas (piped) and electricity 1/...........   206.634    220.771    231.272     14.2     11.9      4.8 
       Electricity 1/..........................   183.407    197.985    203.777      7.7     11.1      2.9 
       Utility (piped) gas service 1/..........   250.680    262.683    284.371     27.1     13.4      8.3 
    Household furnishings and operations.......   128.882    129.114    128.437      -.2      -.3      -.5 
   Apparel.....................................   118.835    114.157    111.732       .2     -6.0     -2.1 
   Transportation..............................   202.412    208.424    209.419     12.9      3.5       .5 
    Private transportation.....................   196.771    202.410    203.358     13.1      3.3       .5 
     New and used motor vehicles 3/............    92.711     92.782     93.137       .8       .5       .4 
      New vehicles.............................   134.606    134.544    134.549       .1       .0       .0 
       New cars and trucks 3/4/................    93.376     93.326     93.256       .0      -.1      -.1 
       New cars 4/.............................   133.222    133.377    133.794       .3       .4       .3 
      Used cars and trucks.....................   141.317    140.978    140.913       .0      -.3       .0 
     Motor fuel................................   312.553    336.641    339.083     38.3      8.5       .7 
      Gasoline (all types).....................   309.904    333.952    336.470     38.0      8.6       .8 
       Gasoline, unleaded regular 4/...........   313.343    337.919    340.279     38.5      8.6       .7 
       Gasoline, unleaded midgrade 4/5/........   312.313    336.322    339.074     37.4      8.6       .8 
       Gasoline, unleaded premium 4/...........   294.905    316.891    319.942     35.8      8.5      1.0 
   Medical care................................   386.436    386.606    388.202      3.4       .5       .4 
    Medical care commodities...................   317.377    318.695    319.574      3.5       .7       .3 
    Medical care services......................   404.777    404.443    406.302      3.3       .4       .5 
     Professional services.....................   318.072    317.880    318.681      3.0       .2       .3 
   Recreation 3/...............................   115.590    116.074    115.904      2.5      0.3     -0.1 
   Education and communication 3/..............   125.377    125.985    126.702      5.1      1.1       .6 
   Other goods and services....................   363.900    367.991    373.338      5.2      2.6      1.5 
                                                                  Commodity and service group              
  All items....................................   230.089    232.649    234.545      5.7      1.9       .8 
   Commodities.................................   183.060    185.240    185.942      8.6      1.6       .4 
    Commodities less food and beverages........   161.362    164.272    164.297     10.7      1.8       .0 
     Nondurables less food and beverages.......   206.994    212.711    213.027     17.9      2.9       .1 
      Nondurables less food, beverages, and                                                                
          apparel..............................   275.262    288.540    290.819     23.9      5.7       .8 
     Durables..................................   109.997    110.055    109.797      -.7      -.2      -.2 
   Services....................................   276.128    279.059    282.128      3.8      2.2      1.1 
    Rent of shelter 2/.........................   297.553    299.739    302.827      2.1      1.8      1.0 
    Transportation services....................   230.268    233.262    234.822      5.5      2.0       .7 
    Other services.............................   313.914    315.166    316.392      4.7       .8       .4 
                                                                  Special aggregate indexes                
  All items less medical care..................   222.964    225.588    227.481      5.8      2.0       .8 
  All items less food..........................   232.763    235.707    237.559      5.7      2.1       .8 
  All items less shelter.......................   212.004    214.783    216.295      7.6      2.0       .7 
  Commodities less food........................   163.787    166.649    166.727     10.4      1.8       .0 
  Nondurables..................................   213.089    216.311    217.499     11.5      2.1       .5 
  Nondurables less food........................   207.644    213.083    213.482     17.0      2.8       .2 
  Nondurables less food and apparel............   267.661    279.648    281.857     22.2      5.3       .8 
  Services less rent of shelter (2) ...........   276.545    280.637    283.973      6.1      2.7      1.2 
  Services less medical care services..........   266.787    269.849    272.946      3.9      2.3      1.1 
  Energy.......................................   258.553    277.910    284.330     31.1     10.0      2.3 
  All items less energy........................   229.145    229.918    231.345      3.0      1.0       .6 
   All items less food and energy..............   232.894    233.753    235.040      2.6       .9       .6 
    Commodities less food and energy                                                                       
        commodities............................   142.781    142.106    141.711      1.0      -.7      -.3 
    Energy commodities.........................   327.373    353.135    356.217     44.1      8.8       .9 
    Services less energy services..............   283.056    284.891    287.234      3.1      1.5       .8 

  1/This index series was calculated using a Laspeyres estimator.  All other item stratum index series
    were calculated using a geometric means estimator.
  2/Index is on a December 1982=100 base.
  3/Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.
  4/Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
  5/Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
  - Data not available.

Last Modified Date: August 15, 2008