BER Data

C1 annotated Keeling CO2 Data

AmeriFlux Long-term measurements of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy exchange through the eddy covariance technique from different ecosystems integrated into consistent, quality assured, and fully documented data sets

ARM Archive: data from large arrays of instruments to study the effects and interactions of sunlight, radiant energy, and clouds on temperatures, weather, and climate

CARDS Database is an upper air database containing daily radiosonde observations from stations around the globe.

Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) provides information for evaluating complex environmental issues, including potential climate change associated with elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other radiatively active trace gases

DOE Human Subjects Research Projects Database contains information on all current research projects that are performed at DOE sites, performed by DOE personnel, or funded by DOE.

NARSTO data from field campaigns studying tropospheric ozone and fine-particle pollution.