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Diseases & Conditions

ADHD, Birth Defects, Cancer, Diabetes, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Flu, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, STDs…

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Emergency Preparedness & Response

Bioterrorism, Chemical & Radiation Emergencies, Severe Weather…

Image of house
Environmental Health

Air Pollution, Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Mold, Water Quality, Climate Change…

Image of people
Life Stages & Populations

Infant & Child, Men, Minorities, Pregnancy, Seniors, Women…

Image of fruit
Healthy Living

Bone Health, Physical Activity, Immunizations, Genetics, Sexual Health, Smoking Prevention…

Image of child restraint seat
Injury, Violence & Safety

Brain Injury, Child Abuse, Falls, Fires, Food Safety, Poisoning, Suicide, Youth Violence…

Image of luggage
Travelers' Health

Destinations, Outbreaks, Travel Vaccinations, Yellow Book…

Image of construction helmet
Workplace Safety & Health

Asbestos, Chemical Safety, Construction, Mining, Office Environments, Respirators… The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333, USA
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