this table...

INTSCW - INTEGRAL Science Window Data



Because of the pointing-slew-pointing dithering-nature of INTEGRAL operations, each observation of a celestial target is actually comprised of numerous individual S/C pointings and slews. In addition, there are periods within a given sequence where scheduled observations occur, i.e., engineering windows, yet the instruments still acquire data. The INTEGRAL Science Data Center (ISDC) generalizes all of these data acquisition periods into so-called `Science Windows.'

A Science Window (ScW) is a continuous time interval during which all data acquired by the INTEGRAL instruments result from a specific S/C attitude orientation state. Pointing (fixed orientation), Slew (changing orientation), and Engineering (undefined orientation) windows are all special cases of a Science Window. The key is that the same attitude information may be associated with all acquired data of a given Science Window. Note that it is possible to divide a time interval that qualifies as a Science Window under this definition into several smaller Science Windows using arbitrary criteria.

The INTEGRAL Science Window Data Catalog allows for the keyed search and selection of sets of Science Windows and the retrieval of the corresponding data products.


The INTSCW database table was last updated on 14 September 2008.


This HEASARC database table is a slightly modified mirror of the database table maintained by the ISDC at the URL

Further information and analysis results can be found linked from the INTEGRAL GOF page at the URL


This database table was first created at the HEASARC in October 2004. It is a slightly modified mirror of the online database maintained by the ISDC at the URL

The HEASARC version of this table is updated automatically within a day of the ISDC updating their database table.

Data Products

The following data products are available (for data sets which have public proprietary status):
   Science Window Data: This consists of the entire science window directory

   Revolution Data: This consists of the data corresponding to the revolution
               during which the science window occurred.

   Auxiliary Revolution Data: Additional revolution data specific the
               revolution during which the science window occurred.

   Auxiliary Reference Data: This reference data is the same for all
               observations. It is not necessary to download this each time.
Due to the extremely large size of INTEGRAL data sets, the HEASARC strongly recommends using the Browse Retrieval Script feature to download INTEGRAL data sets.

HEASARC Implementation

The HEASARC implementation of this database table differs slightly from the ISDC version. Some of the parameter names were changed to make them more readable, easier to understand, and fit in better with HEASARC parameter naming conventions. The parameter name changes are as follows:
     ISDC Parameter Name        HEASARC Parameter Name

          ra_x                       ra
          dec_x                      dec
          ing_dt                     ingest_date
          crea_dt                    creation_date
          jmx1mode                   jemx1_mode
          jmx2mode                   jemx2_mode
          spimode                    spi_mode
          ibismode                   ibis_mode
          omcmode                    omc_mode
          dsize                      data_size
          ps                         status
The HEASARC also added LII and BII parameters to the table. These parameters are the result of converting the ISDC ra_x and dec_x parameters to Galactic coordinates.


The name(s) of the Principal Investigator(s).

The type of observation: 'GPS', 'GCDE', 'Core', 'General', 'Special', 'Calibration', 'TOO', 'Engineering', 'ISWT survey', or 'not specified'. 

The type of science window: 'pointing', 'slew', or 'engineering'. Normally, this should be set to 'pointing'.

The observation identifier (AATPPPPOOOO) as defined by the INTEGRAL Science Operations Center (ISOC), if any. Typically, each targeted observation under a given proposal has a unique Obs_ID. Core Program GPS scans or GCDE sequences may also have unique Obs_IDs.

This ID always consists of 11 digits of the following form:

in which
   *  AA is set to the current AO number for GP and CP proposals
      (proposal types 1, 2, and 9 -- see below).
      AA is set to 88 for all proposals (CAL, TOO, ENG - proposal
      types 6, 7, and 8) outside of AO cycle (outside TAC & CP) as they
      are not related to a particular AO number. AA in the range [00..99].
   *  T is the proposal type in the range [1-9]:
          0 = not specified (or multiple types)
          1 = Core program pointed observation to be distributed to proposer
          2 = General program pointed observation to be distributed to proposer
          3 = reserved for "special distribution" purposes
          4 = reserved for "special distribution" purposes
          5 = reserved for "special distribution" purposes
          6 = Calibration
          7 = TOO outside the TAC process
          8 = Engineering
          9 = ISWT survey proposal
   *  PPPP is unique for a given AA in the range [0001..9999].
   *  OOOO is unique for a given AATPPPP in the range [0001..9999].
      For GPS scans:
          - PPPP will be in the range [9800..9899]
          - OOOO = WW0C where WW is the week number (one scan per week) and
                   C is set to [1,2,3]. Three observations are entered per
                   GPS scans for scheduling purposes.
      For GCDE Scans:
          - PPPP will be in the range [9900..9999]. It is set to
            99CG where C is the cycle number (2 cycles are foreseen per
            year) and G is the pattern number (the CGDE is constituted of 4
            patterns repeated twice a year).
          - OOOO ranges from [1..M] where M is the column number within the
      For core observations:
          - PPPP = 9700
          - T is set to the type of the amalgamated observations if all types
            are identical, 0 otherwise.
          - AA is set to the common AO number of all observations being

The name of any Science Window is the Science Window IDentifier (ScW_ID). This ID always consists of 12 digits of the following form:

in which
   *  RRRR is the revolution number of the S/C as defined from perigee passage,
   *  PPPP is the pointing number within the revolution and is always reset
      to "0000" when the revolution number increments,
   *  SSS is the subdivision number for a Science Window with a given RRRR
      and PPPP value. The minimum value of SSS allowed is "001" and always
      resets with a change of value of PPPP, and
   *  F is the type identifier of the Science Window with allowed values of
      (0) for "Pointing", (1) for "Slew", and (2) for "Engineering".

The Science Window Version, usually '001'.

The Right Ascension of the spacecraft's x-axis. Note that the spacecraft's coordinate system is defined in such a way that the x-axis (rather than z) is the instrument pointing direction.

The Declination of the spacecraft's x-axis. Note that the spacecraft's coordinate system is defined in such a way that the x-axis (rather than z) is the instrument pointing direction.

The Galactic Longitude of the spacecraft's x-axis. Note that the spacecraft's coordinate system is defined in such a way that the x-axis (rather than z) is the instrument pointing direction.

The Galactic Latitude of the spacecraft x-axis. Note that the spacecraft's coordinate system is defined in such a way that the x-axis (rather than z) is the instrument pointing direction.

The Right Ascension of the spacecraft's z-axis. Note that the spacecraft's coordinate system is defined in such a way that the x-axis (rather than z) is the instrument pointing direction.

The Declination of the spacecraft's z-axis. Note that the spacecraft's coordinate system is defined in such a way that the x-axis (rather than z) is the instrument pointing direction.

The position angle of the spacecraft, in degrees.

The start date of the science window, in ISDC Julian Date (IJD) format. Note: Julian Date - ISDC Julian Date = 2,451,544.5, or, equivalently, IJD = MJD - 51544. Note that the IJD system adopted by the INTEGRAL Project is on the Terrestrial Time (TT) system.

The end date of the science window, in ISDC Julian Date (IJD) format. Note: Julian Date - ISDC Julian Date = 2,451,544.5, or, equivalently, IJD = MJD - 51544. Note that the IJD system adopted by the INTEGRAL Project is on the Terrestrial Time (TT) system.

The date and time of the start of the science window in UTC.

The date and time of the end of the science window in UTC.

The on-board start time of the science window, in spacecraft (OBT) time units.

The on-board end time of the science window, in spacecraft (OBT) time units.

The SPI mode code [11..99]. For most purposes, this can be ignored; the following codes are possible:

      Value     Meaning
       11       SPI OFF (Launch)
       12       SPI Inactive
       21       SPI STDBY
       22       SPI Eclipse
       31       SPI Configuration
       41       SPI Operational Normal
       42       SPI Emergency
       51       SPI Diagnostic
       61       SPI PSD Calibration
       71       SPI Cooling
       72       SPI Heat Pipes Thaw
       73       SPI Annealing
       74       SPI Outgassing
       96       SPI Unknown Mode
       98       SPI Mode change within science window
       99       SPI Undefined

The IBIS mode code [11..99]. For most purposes, this can be ignored; the following codes are possible:

      Value     Meaning
       11       IBIS OFF
       21       IBIS Initialization (power safe)
       22       IBIS STDBY
       41       IBIS Observation standard
       42       IBIS Observation polarimetry
       43       IBIS Observation photon by photon
       51       IBIS Diagnostic
       52       IBIS Patch & Dump
       96       IBIS Unknown Mode
       98       IBIS Mode change within science window
       99       IBIS Undefined

The JEMX detector 1 mode code [11..99]. For most purposes, this can be ignored; the following codes are possible:

      Value     Meaning
       11       JEMX OFF
       21       JEMX STDBY CSSW
       22       JEMX STDBY IASW
       23       JEMX Safe
       31       JEMX Setup
       32       JEMX Setup HV ready
       41       JEMX Data taking (full imaging)
       42       JEMX Data taking (spectral-timing)
       43       JEMX Data taking (restricted imaging)
       44       JEMX Data taking (timing)
       45       JEMX Data taking (spectrum)
       51       JEMX Diagnostic
       52       JEMX Patch & Dump
       61       JEMX Calibration
       96       JEMX Unknown Mode
       98       JEMX Mode change within science window
       99       JEMX Undefined

The JEMX detector 2 mode code [11..99]. For most purposes, this can be ignored; the following codes are possible:

      Value     Meaning
       11       JEMX OFF
       21       JEMX STDBY CSSW
       22       JEMX STDBY IASW
       23       JEMX Safe
       31       JEMX Setup
       32       JEMX Setup HV ready
       41       JEMX Data taking (full imaging)
       42       JEMX Data taking (spectral-timing)
       43       JEMX Data taking (restricted imaging)
       44       JEMX Data taking (timing)
       45       JEMX Data taking (spectrum)
       51       JEMX Diagnostic
       52       JEMX Patch & Dump
       61       JEMX Calibration
       96       JEMX Unknown Mode
       98       JEMX Mode change within science window
       99       JEMX Undefined

The OMC mode code [11..99]. For most purposes, this can be ignored; the following codes are possible:

      Value     Meaning
       11       OMC OFF
       21       OMC STDBY
       22       OMC Safe
       41       OMC Science Fast Monitor
       42       OMC Science Normal
       43       OMC Science Trigger
       51       OMC Testing Standard
       61       OMC DC Calibration (Dark Current)
       62       OMC FF Calibration (Flat Field)
       71       OMC Baking
       96       OMC Unknown Mode
       98       OMC Mode change within science window
       99       OMC Undefined

The "good" SPI exposure time, in seconds. Note that slew data typically have good exposures of less than 120 seconds, so that selecting values of this parameter > 120 s is is a good way to exclude slew data.

The "good" PICSIT exposure time, in seconds. Note that slew data typically have good exposures of less than 120 seconds, so that selecting values of this parameter > 120 s is a good way to exclude slew data.

The "good" ISGRI exposure time, in seconds. Note that slew data typically have good exposures of less than 120 seconds, so that selecting values of this parameter > 120 s is a good way to exclude slew data.

The "good" JEMX1 exposure time, in seconds. Note that slew data typically have good exposures of less than 120 seconds, so that selecting values of this parameter > 120 s is a good way to exclude slew data.

The "good" JEMX2 exposure time, in seconds. Note that slew data typically have good exposures of less than 120 seconds, so that selecting values of this parameter > 120 s is a good way to exclude slew data.

The "good" OMC exposure time, in seconds. Note that slew data typically have good exposures of less than 120 seconds, so that selecting values of this parameter > 120 s is a good way to exclude slew data.

The proprietary status of the science window: 'private' or 'public'. All INTEGRAL data products are expected to enter the public domain approximately one year after they are processed.

The total size of all data stored in the science window directory tree for the specified dataset, in bytes.

The creation (processing) date and time of the science window.

The ingest date of the science window, i.e, the date when the processed data were ingested into the ISDC Archive. In general, data will become public one year after their ingest date.

The Exposure IDentifier parameter uniquely identifies the exposure.

This flag is set to 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether or not the science window is available in the HEASARC Archive. Some INTEGRAL observations for which the archived data has become publically available (as indicated by the Status parameter) may not be currently available at the HEASARC.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the INTSCW database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Sunday, 14-Sep-2008 16:17:50 EDT