Polar Exploring the Magnetosphere into the Solar Maximum banner

NUGGET Earth's Auroras Make Rare Joint Appearance in a Feature Film
NUGGET Polar Quantifies Magnetospheric Drivers of Upper Atmospheric Chemistry Changes
NUGGET 2001 ISTP Senior Review Proposals
NUGGET Polar Resurrects TIMAS, Immediately Detects New Terrestrial Ion Signature
NUGGET Special Section of JGR Space Physics Marks Polar's 5th Anniversary
NUGGET Polar Observations Change Perception Regarding Location of Substorm Onset
NUGGET Polar Scientists Find Unexpected Energetic Ions in the Earth's Magnetic Cusp
NUGGET POLAR Scientists Discover the Energy Source Powering the Aurora
ARTICLE POLAR Auroral Image Featured on Cover of Discover Magazine
NUGGET POLAR's New "Weather Map Aurora" Display
NUGGET POLAR Provides First Experimental Documentation of Magnetic Reconnection
NUGGET Polar Scientists Explain 20 Year Mystery Behind Magnetospheric Radio Waves
NUGGET Coronal Mass Ejection Induces Ionosphere Mass Ejection
NUGGET Coastline Hugging Auroras
NUGGET On the Day the Solar Wind Disappeared, Scientists Sample Particles Directly from the Sun

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Official NASA Contact: Barbara Giles
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