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Military Service Organizations and Veterans Service Organizations

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September 13,2005
Disaster preparedness and response was the focus of the September 2005 VSO/MSO Roundtable meeting. On very short notice, our two programmed speakers were deployed to the Gulf Coast in response to Hurricane Katrina. We were fortunate that the director of the Medical Reserve Corps, Commander Robert Tosatto, was able to address the group with very timely information. Commander Robert Tosatto, R.Ph., M.P.H., M.B.A., serves as director of the Medical Reserve Corps Program in the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General. He is responsible for overseeing the establishment, implementation and coordination of Medical Reserve Corps units in communities across the United States. more...

July 26,2005
The July meeting focused on the study completed by the Institute of Medicine "Mortality in US Army Gulf War Veterans Exposed to 1991 Khamisiyah Chemical Munitions Destruction." more...

April 28,2005
The April meeting focused on two major areas. Dr. Jody Donehoo, TRICARE Management Agency, provided an overview of the TRICARE Health Benefits for Reserve Component Members. Ms. Pam Crespi, OSD Military Community and Family Support, spoke on the Department of Defense's "Adopt a Service Member, Community Coalitions for Seamless Support to Severely Injured Military Service Members and their families" program. more...

March 24,2005
The March meeting focused on three major areas: an overview of a recently released Gulf War health related report, the Department of Defense's policy on prevention and response to sexual assault and the Risk Communication Working Group. more...

February 24,2005
The February meeting focused on two major areas. Commander David Julian, director of operations, Military Severely Injured Joint Support Operations Center provided an overview of the center. Dr. Michael Kilpatrick, deputy director, Deployment Health Support, provided an overview of recently released medical reports. more...

January 27,2005
The January meeting focused on one major area. Colonel Joyce Adkins, PhD, MPH, provided an overview of stress and the operational and combat stresses that service members face while deployed in Iraq. Some of the combat stress issues facing service members in Operation Iraqi Freedom are the constant bombardment; it is a war of insurgency with no front lines or true safe areas and the horrible images of killing, death and dying. more... is the official Web site of Force Health Protection & Readiness Policy & Programs
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