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614.1 Cryospheric Sciences Branch 614.1 Cryospheric Sciences Branch
614.2 Ocean Sciences Branch 614.2 Ocean Sciences Branch
614.3 Hydrological Sciences Branch 614.3 Hydrological Sciences Branch
614.4 Biospheric Sciences Branch 614.4 Biospheric Sciences Branch
614.5 Terrestrial Information Systems Branch 614.5 Terrestrial Information Systems Branch
614.6 Instrumentation Sciences Branch 614.6 Instrumentation Sciences Branch
Code 614 at Wallops Flight Facility Code 614 at Wallops Flight Facility

Code 614.4 Brown Bag Seminar - Beat Hintermann and Nathaniel Higgins

Affiliation: University of Maryland, Department of Agricultural Economics
Event Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Location: Bldg 33, Room E125
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Emissions Trading - The European Experience and a Prospective American Scheme
We will provide a background on the general economic justification for emissions trading schemes. We will discuss in some detail the results of the EU emissions trading scheme, the first phase of which is now complete. Because of the detailed data available, we will spend the bulk of our time discussing the EU experience, providing a retrospective look at the outcomes achieved and the puzzling questions that remain. We will conclude with a prospective look at the soon-to-be-implemented Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, an effort to reduce total carbon emissions in the US. We will draw attention especially to the differences between the US and EU schemes, mainly the use of an auction format to allocate permits in the initial phase. Such a system has been proposed by economists for many years but did not materialize as part of the EU implementation due to political pressures.

Posted or updated: Monday, January 14, 2008

Editor: Paul Przyborski

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