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614.1 Cryospheric Sciences Branch 614.1 Cryospheric Sciences Branch
614.2 Ocean Sciences Branch 614.2 Ocean Sciences Branch
614.3 Hydrological Sciences Branch 614.3 Hydrological Sciences Branch
614.4 Biospheric Sciences Branch 614.4 Biospheric Sciences Branch
614.5 Terrestrial Information Systems Branch 614.5 Terrestrial Information Systems Branch
614.6 Instrumentation Sciences Branch 614.6 Instrumentation Sciences Branch
Code 614 at Wallops Flight Facility Code 614 at Wallops Flight Facility

Laboratory Seminar: Robert Bindschadler

Affiliation: Laboratory for Hydrospheric Processes, NASA GSFC
Event Date: Friday, October 8, 2004

Location: GSFC, Building 33, Room H114
Time: 2:30 PM

International Polar Year Briefing
At a time of significant change on the planetary scale, changes are particularly evident in the polar regions. The International Polar Year 2007-2008 aspires to improve our knowledge of Earth, space and culture, advancing technology and international science, and engendering a new awareness of our planet. The IPY aims to provide scientists with the opportunity to go where they could not go before, to collect data in ways they have not done before, and to establish monitoring systems where none existed before. Breakthroughs and insights will follow.

Building on the inspiring heritage of past International Polar Years (1882-83 and 1932-33) and the International Geophysical Year (1957-58), the IPY concept has awaking an overwhelming enthusiasm and excitement in polar research communities. Planning is underway in over 30 countries to respond to this international call to action. The International Council for Science (ICSU) IPY Planning Group has just finalized its report outlining the international strategy for implementing IPY. The US National Committee for IPY, under the auspices of the National Academy of Science, also has concluded its study calling for a significant multi-agency presence in IPY.

For NASA the opportunities are multifaceted and include new cryospheric research, the development and infusion of new technology into innovative observational systems that include artificial intelligent control systems and the use of the polar regions as test beds for interplanetary exploration systems. It is through the creativity of the individuals who are stimulated by the IPY concept that the potential impact of IPY will be determined. The stage is being set to make significant and enduring advances in polar science.

Bring your questions for what is expected to be a lively and informative discussion following a briefing on the current state and future path of planning for IPY.

Posted or updated: Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Editor: Paul Przyborski

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