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Welcome to the newest version of USUAlums.com!

This site is a service provided by the Uniformed Services University Alumni Association, Inc. for graduates, future graduates, family members, and associates of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland.

Usualums.com is operated on non-government servers and funded by the USU Alumni Association. Not unlike public television, this site is made possible by the participation of and contributions by “viewers like you.”

Membership in the Alumni Association is not required to use this site, however some features (such as contacting classmates) will only be available to dues-paying members.

Additional services such as online transactions for Alumni Association membership, donations to the Association, an online store, affiliation agreements with carefully selected merchants, discount programs, and USU group travel opportunities will be added in the near future.

Bryce C. Redington, PhD
Executive Director

Meet Some of Our Alums...

MAJ Mark S. Crago (left), CPT Slava Belinki (center), and CPT Wayne Surrett, pose for a picture in the Al Far Palace at Camp Victory. All are 2003 graduates of USU attending the Multinational Corps - Iraq Surgeon's Conference in November 2007.

Navigating Our Site

The links on the left hand side of the page will help you find your way around the updated site. Be sure to check the Upcoming Events page that will have updated information regarding University and Alumni events. Thanks again for visiting.

Meet Some of Our Alums...

CAPT Gary Means, a 2002 graduate, performs a physical examination on a Afghan National Police recruit. CAPT Means recently finished his deployment in Afghanistan as a Flight Surgeon for the Task Force Corsair..

On the Horizon

As you may have noticed, the website is changing again! We have added the bookstore site, which you can access by clicking the link on the left side of the page. We will update the site on a periodic basis to help keep all of our alumni updated with the most current information regarding conference receptions, reunions and other university events. Make sure you add us to your favorites, and if you have any suggestions for the site, be sure to send us an e-mail.