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FTY720 in Patients With Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (INFORMS)

This study is currently recruiting participants.
Verified by Novartis, September 2008

Sponsored by: Novartis
Information provided by: Novartis Identifier: NCT00731692

The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether FTY720 is effective in delaying MS disability progression compared to placebo in patients with PPMS.

Condition Intervention Phase
Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
Drug: Capsules of Placebo
Drug: FTY720D 1.25mg
Phase III

MedlinePlus related topics:   Multiple Sclerosis   

Drug Information available for:   FTY 720    Fingolimod   

U.S. FDA Resources

Study Type:   Interventional
Study Design:   Treatment, Randomized, Double Blind (Subject, Caregiver, Investigator, Outcomes Assessor), Placebo Control, Parallel Assignment, Safety/Efficacy Study
Official Title:   A Double-Blind, Randomized, Multicenter, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of 1.25mg FTY720 Administered Orally Once Daily Versus Placebo in Patients With Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.

Further study details as provided by Novartis:

Primary Outcome Measures:
  • To evaluate the effect of FTY720 relative to placebo on delaying the time to sustained disability progression

Secondary Outcome Measures:
  • To evaluate the safety and tolerability of FTY720 compared to placebo in patients with PPMS
  • To evaluate the effect of FTY720 relative to placebo on conventional MRI parameters
  • To evaluate the effect of FTY720 relative to placebo on Patient Reported Outcomes

Estimated Enrollment:   654
Study Start Date:   July 2008
Estimated Primary Completion Date:   March 2013 (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)

Arms Assigned Interventions
1: Placebo Comparator Drug: Capsules of Placebo
2: Active Comparator
Drug: FTY720D 1.25mg

Ages Eligible for Study:   25 Years to 65 Years
Genders Eligible for Study:   Both


Inclusion Criteria:


  1. sign written informed consent prior to participating in the study
  2. 25 through 65 years of age inclusive
  3. females of childbearing potential must:

    • have a negative pregnancy test at Baseline (prior to randomization) and
    • use simultaneously two forms of effective contraception during the treatment and 3-months after discontinuation of study medication

Primary Progressive Multiple sclerosis.

  1. diagnosis of primary progressive multiple sclerosis (according to the 2005 Revised McDonald criteria):
  2. time since first reported symptoms between 2 and 10 years
  3. evidence of clinical disability progression in the 2 years prior to Screening
  4. disability status at Screening

    • EDSS score of 3.5-6.0 inclusive
    • pyramidal functional system score of 2 or more
    • 25'TWT less than 30 seconds

Exclusion Criteria:

PPMS specific:

  • History of relapses/attacks
  • Progressive neurological disorder other than PPMS
  • Pure cerebellar syndrome or pure visual progressive syndrome or pure
  • cognitive progressive syndrome
  • Presence of spinal cord compression at screening MRI
  • Relevant history of vitamin B12 deficit
  • Evidence of syphilis or borreliosis at Screening

Cardiovascular conditions:

  • Myocardial infarction within the past 6 months or current unstable ischemic heart disease
  • History of angina pectoris due to coronary spasm or history of Raynaud's phenomenon
  • Severe cardiac failure or cardiac arrest
  • History of symptomatic bradycardia
  • Resting pulse <55 bpm pre-dose
  • History of sick sinus syndrome or sino-atrial heart block
  • History or presence of second and third degree AV block or an increase QT interval (QTc>440 ms)
  • Arrythmia requiring treatment with class III antiarrythmic drugs
  • History of positive tilt test from workout of vasovagal syncope
  • Hypertension, not controlled with medication


  • Severe respiratory disease or pulmonary fibrosis
  • TB
  • Abnormal X-ray, suggestive of active pulmonary disease
  • Abnormal PFT: <70% of predicted for FEV1 and FVC; <60% for DLCO
  • Patients receiving chronic (daily) therapies for asthma


  • Known history of alcohol abuse, chronic liver or biliary disease
  • Total or conjugated Brb >ULN, unless in context of Gilbert's syndrome
  • AP >1.5xULN; ALT/AST >2xULN; GGT>3xULN


  • History of chronic disease of the immune system other than MS
  • Malignancy (other than successfully treated SCC or BCC)
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Macular Edema present at screening
  • HIV, Hepatitis C or B, other active infection
  • History of total lymphoid irradiation or bone marrow transplantation
  • Serum creatinine >1.7 mg/dl
  • WBC <3500 cells/mm3
  • Lymphocyte count <800 cells/mm3
  • History of substance abuse or any other factor that may interfere with subject ability to cooperate and comply with the study procedures
  • Unable to undergo MRI scans
  • Participation in any therapeutical clinical research study in the 6 months prior to randomization
  • Pregnant or lactating women
  • Drugs requiring wash-out period:

    3 months:

    • Systemic corticosteroids or ACTH
    • INF-beta

      6 months:

    • Immunosuppressive medication
    • Immunoglobulins
    • Monoclonal antibodies
  • Drugs that exclude participation in the study:
  • Cladribine
  • Cyclophosphamide
  • Mitoxantrone (except: patients who received a cumulative dose of no more than 60mg/m2 more than 5 years ago could enter the study)

Other protocol-defined inclusion/exclusion criteria may apply.

  Contacts and Locations

Please refer to this study by its identifier: NCT00731692

Contact: Novartis Pharmaceuticals     41 61 324 1111    

Clinique Neuro Rive Sud     Recruiting
      Greenfield Park, Canada
      Contact     +1 514 672 1931        
      Principal Investigator: Dr. Grand'maison            

Sponsors and Collaborators
  More Information

Responsible Party:   Novartis ( External Affairs )
Study ID Numbers:   FTY720D2306, Eudract 2007-002627-32
First Received:   August 7, 2008
Last Updated:   September 16, 2008 Identifier:   NCT00731692
Health Authority:   United States: Food and Drug Administration;   Canada: Health Canada

Keywords provided by Novartis:
FTY720, primary progressive multiple sclerosis,PPMS  

Study placed in the following topic categories:
Autoimmune Diseases
Multiple Sclerosis
Demyelinating Diseases
FTY 720
Demyelinating Autoimmune Diseases, CNS
Demyelinating diseases
Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System
Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Progressive

Additional relevant MeSH terms:
Pathologic Processes
Immunologic Factors
Immune System Diseases
Physiological Effects of Drugs
Nervous System Diseases
Immunosuppressive Agents
Pharmacologic Actions processed this record on October 31, 2008

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