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Education Fact Sheet


About Us
For nearly 50 years, NASA's journeys into air and space have developed humankind's understanding of the universe, advanced technology breakthroughs, enhanced air travel safety and security, and expanded the frontiers of scientific research. These accomplishments share a common genesis: Education.

Education is a fundamental element of NASA's activities, reflecting a balanced and diverse portfolio of Elementary and Secondary Education, Higher Education, e-Education, Informal Education and Minority University Research and Education.

Previous experience has shown us that implementing exciting and compelling NASA missions are critical to inspiring the next generation of explorers and leaders. Through partnerships with the agency's Mission Directorates, other federal agencies, private industry, scientific research, and education organizations, we are applying NASA's unique mission and education initiatives (content, people, and facilities) to spark student interest and to guide them toward careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM.

Our Mission
NASA's educational activities are designed to Inspire, Engage, Educate and Employ our nation's youth.

Pyramid showing goals for Elementary and Secondary Education, Higher Education and Informal Education: Employ, Educate, Engage and Inspire
NASA Education Agency Goals
NASA's Planned Investments In Education:
  1. Contribute to the development of the STEM workforce in disciplines needed to achieve NASA's strategic goals, through a portfolio of investments.
  2. Attract and retain students in STEM disciplines through a progression of educational opportunities for students, teachers and faculty.
  3. Build strategic partnerships and linkages between STEM formal and informal education providers that promote STEM literacy and awareness of NASA's mission.

Our Mission Directorates
Space Operations Mission Directorate
SOMD seeks to provide educational projects, products and activities to inspire the next generation of explorers to take the next steps in the Vision for Space Exploration. Additionally, SOMD strives to support educators who prepare students to meet national education standards in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, for grades K-12. The Mission Directorate engages learners in hands-on experiences related to Space Operations.

Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
ARMD seeks to support NASA's commitment to re-establishing its mastery of the core competencies of aeronautics in subsonic (rotary and fixed-wing), supersonic and hypersonic flight. New investments in undergraduate and graduate education will focus on developing technical excellence in future NASA and aerospace industry researchers and engineers. Over the next several years, ARMD will continue to adjust its education portfolio, consistent with the NASA Education Strategic Framework, to emphasize high-payoff efforts in support of the undergraduate and graduate communities.

Exploration Systems Mission Directorate
ESMD is developing the next generation of spacecraft, including capabilities and technologies that enable sustained and affordable human and robotic exploration of space as outlined in the Vision for Space Exploration. ESMD research also ensures the health and performance of crews during long-duration missions. The ESMD education portfolio supports the broad agency education goals and is specifically tailored to meet NASA's long-term workforce requirements.

Science Mission Directorate
SMD invests in the continued development of the workforce. The directorate pursues Earth and space science research from space and partners with institutions and professional societies to increase public understanding of science and technology, and to inform the teaching and learning of STEM subjects in the classroom. Education and Public Outreach is built into all aspects of NASA science missions.

Our Partners
Federal Agencies Business & Industry Federal, State & Local Entities International Partners
National/State/Local Associations and Organizations Serving the Underserved and Underrepresented
Network of Informal Education Organizations
Schools, Colleges and Universities
Educators Students Parents Communities
NASA Education is committed to providing opportunities for all children to explore and develop their full learning potential. We will continue to support our nation's elementary and secondary schools, universities, colleges and community colleges by providing exciting research and internship opportunities that will "light the fire" and "fuel the passion" for a new culture of learning and achievement in STEM education. Additionally, we will sustain professional development and research opportunities for pre-service and in-service teachers and university professors to strengthen STEM education.

We challenge you as our partners to assist us in carrying out this endeavor.

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Editor: Dr. Shelley Canright
NASA Official: Dr. Bernice Alston
Last Updated: April 12, 2007