We don’t recommend it. The only way someone can officially verify your number is by examining the card issued by Social Security. Employers who request your Social Security card as verification of your number will want to see the card we issue. There is no need to have a replica. In most cases, the only time you will need to produce your Social Security card is when you apply for employment. You should question anyone who asks for your number or your card. We discourage colleges and other organizations from using Social Security numbers as identifiers. We strongly recommend that you keep anything with your Social Security number on it in a safe place with your other important papers. Do not carry it with you.
Meanwhile, the only way someone can officially verify your number is by examining the card issued by Social Security. Third parties who request your Social Security card as verification of your number will want to see the card we issue. Although we have no authority to prevent use of Social Security replicas, we discourage their use.