Office of the United States Trade Representative
Advisory Group Reports on U.S.-Colombia FTA



USTR Trade Advisory Committee Reports

Advisory Committee for Trade Policy Negotiations

Trade Policy and Environment Committee

Intergovernmental Advisory Policy Committee

Labor Advisory Committee

Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee

Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Trade (ATAC)

Animal and Animal Products ATAC

Fruits and Vegetables ATAC

Tobacco, Cotton and Peanuts ATAC

Sweeteners ATAC

Grains, Feed and Oilseeds ATAC

Processed Foods ATAC

Industry Trade Advisory Committees

ITAC 1 - Aerospace Equipment

ITAC 2 - Automotive Equipment and Capital Goods

ITAC 3 - Chemicals, Phamaceuticals, Health Science Products & Services

ITAC 4 - Consumer Goods

ITAC 5 - Distribution Services

ITAC 6 - Energy and Energy Services

ITAC 7 - Forest Products

ITAC 8 - Technologies, Services & Electronic Commerce

ITAC 9 - Non-Ferrous Metals and Building Materials

ITAC 10 - Services and Finance Industries

ITAC 11 - Small and Minority Business

ITAC 12 - Steel

ITAC 13 - Textiles and Clothing

ITAC 14 - Customs Matters and Facilitation

ITAC 15 - Intellectual Property

Cover Letter


ITAC 16 - Standards and Technical Trade Barriers

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Bilateral Trade Agreements
item: Bilateral Agreements
item: Australia FTA
item: Bahrain FTA
item: Chile FTA
item: Colombia Free Trade Agreement
item: Israel FTA
item: Jordan FTA
item: Malaysia FTA
item: Morocco FTA
item: Panama TPA
item: Peru TPA
item: Malaysia FTA
item: Singapore FTA
item: SACU FTA
item: UAE FTA
item: Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs)
item: Trade and Investment Framework Agreements (TIFAs)
2005 Press Releases
item: October 2005
item: September 2005
item: August 2005
item: July 2005
item: June 2005
item: May 2005
item: April 2005
item: March 2005
item: February 2005
item: January 2005
item: Press Room