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Focus on Environment
Focus on Environment (455 KB PDF)


Looking Ahead

Sandia National Laboratories partners with the Department of Energy to improve public participation in environmental issues, such as the implementation of the "National Environmental Policy Act" and "Long-term Stewardship" for environmental restoration. Participation in community organizations and committees that have an environmental and planning focus, such as Shared Vision, the Middle Rio Grande Council of Governments, and the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, is a key component.


Working Together

The experiences of the Sandia Environmental Restoration Project have led to the development of new interactive models for future government and citizen involvement to improve the quality of public interactions with the Department of Energy and Sandia Labs. Working groups have been formed to build trust and long-term relationships with communities. This approach uses interactive techniques, focus groups, formal public forums, and a variety of polling and communication technologies to improve information gathering, exchanges, and dialogues.