Silicon Pixel Sensor R&D

With the pixel sensors positioned to leave a 12mm x 12mm square beam hole, the edges of the sensors 6mm from the beam will be exposed to a fluence of ~1014 particles/cm2 per year, given a luminosity of 2 x 1032 cm-2 sec-1. The issues affecting the radiation hardness of sensors are material and implant type, guard-ring design for high voltage operation, and operating temperature.

Pictures of the wafer delivered by SINTEF from the joint BTeV/CMS submission (March, 2000)

sintef-n   sintef-p
n+ side       p+ side

Pictures of the ATLAS prototype 2 wafer from CiS (April,2000)

atlaspixel2   altaspixel1
n+ side       p+ side

  • I-V curves measured on Simon's cells on SINTEF wafer
  • I-V curves measured on FPIXO_SCP on SINTEF wafer. Measurements were also done at Purdue University.
      For further details, please go to:
  • I-V curves measured on 3 devices on ATLAS wafer CiS 3696-05
  • iatlasst.eps

        3 rd annual status report from RD48 (ROSE) collaboration

        Pictures and Plots (including some not listed here)
        Presentations and Documents

  • Silicon Pixel Sensor R&D

  •     Notes on Sensor
        This page is intended for easy reference, it contains nothing profound.

        Sketch of 8x2 module (w/FPIX1's) showing location of bias point (opening in p-side passivation)

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    Last Updated on 06/20/2000
    By Ivelisse Cabrera and German Colon
    Send questions to Simon Kwan at