Short-term Prediction Research
and Transition Center

MODIS Imagery and Product Surveys

General MODIS

For MODIS products not listed on this page or comments valid for all products

MODIS False Color Imagery

Delineate between snow and ice, clouds, and clear ground

GOES Imagery and Product Surveys

Fog Depth Product

NESDIS enhancement to 2-channel fog product which includes depth estimate

CIRA Imagery and Product Surveys

Total Precipitable Water Product

The CIRA combined TPW and anomaly product provides monitoring of moisture changes.

Total Lightning Data Surveys

Total Lightning

Lightning source densities with thunderstorm forecasts

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Link to contact SPoRT for product issues

SPoRT Assessment Program
A goal of the SPoRT Program is to develop metrics and conduct assessment studies with National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters to evaluate the impacts and benefits of NASA experimental products on forecast skill in an operational setting. Given the tremendous time constraints placed on NWS forecasters, it is imperative that forecaster input be obtained in a concise, unobtrusive manor. Great care must also be taken to ensure that forecasters understand their participation will eventually benefit them and Weather Forecast Office (WFO) operations in general. The feedback further helps SPoRT researchers refine and create additional products for the NWS. Two key components of a successful transition of weather research to operations include that it:

1. Can be implemented within the WFO environment
2. Provide tangible results for BOTH the research and operational communities.


Technical Contact: Dr. Gary J. Jedlovec (

Responsible Official: Dr. James L. Smoot (

Liaison Contact: Kevin K. Fuell (

Liaison Contact: Geoffrey T. Stano (

Page Curator: Erik R. Reimers (
