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Partnerships ’98 Information

Back to Partnerships Homepage Partnerships '98 home page. "We hear a lot about how managed care is changing our health care system. What we don't hear is how consumers themselves are changing it. They are increasingly active in managing their own health and medical care. More and more, they are turning to the Internet to get the information they need. This conference makes an important contribution to our understanding [of] these dynamic developments."
—Vice President Al Gore, at Partnerships '97

Join us this year as the Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information holds its fourth annual conference in two locations with two themes.

April 28

Policy Issues in Consumer Health Informatics
Washington, DC
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW, 13th Floor

We'll explore quality and equity. These are some of the questions we hope to answer:

  • What are the criteria for sound web sites and programs, who sets them, and how can critical judgment be widely fostered?
  • What protection could and should society create and enforce?
  • What price does society pay for not ensuring that important health information is available for all its citizens, especially those with the heaviest health burdens?
  • What is the role of the public sector in promoting effective consumer health informatics?

Join us if you're a...

  • Decisionmaker in health policy and practice
  • Health media person
  • Policymaker
  • Interactive applications developer


if you just want to be in the know about these on-the-edge issues.

May 27-30

Bringing Knowledge to the Point of Use
Philadelphia, PA
Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel
17th and Race Streets.

In collaboration with the American Medical Informatics Association

We'll explore these areas in Philadelphia:

  • Virtual library
  • Point-of-use decision support
  • Direct consumer/patient information systems
  • Evaluation and methodological studies will be emphasized in all three areas.

Join us if you're a...

  • Medical professional in the area of clinical computing, computerized medical records, disease prevention, primary care, hospital/medical information systems, or nursing informatics
  • Medical librarian
  • Official from provider, payer, or purchaser entities
  • Federal, state, or local public health professional
  • Interactive applications developer


If you just want to be part of this on-the-edge conversation.

Play Our Games

Both Partnerships '98 locations will offer a unique "Technology Showcase," where innovative sites and applications will be demonstrated and informally compete for awards. Developers are sure to gain both valuable feedback and wide exposure for their systems. Participants' suggestions for improvement will be actively solicited since this is the first year of what will become an annual event.

Partnerships '98 is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Annenberg School for Communication and the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.

National Health Information Center
P.O. Box 1133
Washington, DC 20013-1133

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Last updated on
June 26, 2003