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Asthma affects approximately 13 milliion people in the United States and costs the health care industry $6.2 billion annually. It is estimated that 5 million children, or 7 percent of the population, are affected.

As the number of asthma cases has grown, so has the desire for better patient education. Asthma specialists recognize that the proper approach to treating asthma is to prevent attacks; and improved patient education must be a significant part of this approach. While the need for education materials has grown, the supply has not.  Ninety-six percent of physicians surveyed by NIH wanted to see improved education materials and programs for their patients.  "Clubhouse Asthma" is an educational interactive computer program that teaches children how to live with asthma. Designed for children 4-10 years of age, the program is in a cartoon style with interactive features that make learning fun. The edutainment program deals with the psychological and physiological issues in asthma, triggers and exercise, types of medications, the importance of a personal diary and how to use an inhaler nebulizer and a peak flow meter. Each CD-ROM is accompanied by a parents' information booklet. Other Clubhouse programs in development are diabetes, leukemia, and HIV/AIDS.

The Clubhouse Kids Learn About Asthma won the following awards in the Games:

Washington, DC (April 28, 1998):

  • 3rd Place, Popular Vote Award

Philadelphia, PA (May 27-28, 1998):

  • Tied for 2nd Place, Popular Vote Award
  • Cool For Kids Award

Contact information:

Carla Davenport
MindJourney Software
4909 Windy Hill Drive
Raleigh, NC 27609

Telephone: 919-876-6400
Fax: 919-876-7064


National Health Information Center
P.O. Box 1133
Washington, DC 20013-1133

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Last updated on
June 26, 2003