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Wellness Checkpoint® is an interactive consumer-oriented system for employee wellness, occupational health, patient education, and consumer health promotion applications. It is used in over 22 countries on four continents in six languages by employees, health plan members, patients, and consumers. The Wellness Assessment module is a confidential, interactive health risk assessment with immediate results, detailed tailored feedback, and online risk factor review with goal setting and Personal Profile report. Wellness Strategy presents multimedia instructional content explaining the how's and why's of lifestyle choices and health risks. Clinical Edition adds supplementary screenings and surveys for preventive interventions and utilization reviews in accordance with national and international guidelines. Organizational Stress Audit upgrade correlates personal and organizational stress factors with lifestyle and health risks. Wellness Checkpoint Data Banker® provides ad hoc query and analysis by group, site, or year, based on basic and organizational demographics, response data, and risk levels. The web version also provides external links to the Planet HealthTM consumer health information service, leading national and international health promotion sites, and corporate and sponsor's web site.

Note: Our system is available on both Windows and web platforms. As our web version is available only for intranet applications, access to it for demonstration purposes is by prior arrangements with InfoTech.

Wellness Checkpoint was at the Showcase and Games in Washington, DC on April 28, 1998, and Philadelphia, PA from May 27-28, 1998.

Contact information:

Zoriana Hyworon
485 Madison St.
Winnepeg, MB Canada R3J 1J2

Telephone: 204-788-1500
Fax: 204-788-1600


National Health Information Center
P.O. Box 1133
Washington, DC 20013-1133

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Last updated on
June 26, 2003