MISSION CONTROL CENTER STS-63 Status Report #12 Wednesday, February 8, 1995, 6 a.m. CST Discovery's crew focused on preparations today -- for a spacewalk planned for Thursday and the shuttle's return to Earth planned for Saturday morning. The crew was awakened after an extra hour of sleep today to the tune of Pink Floyd's "Time" as they entered the final days of shuttle mission STS-63. Payload Commander Bernard Harris and Mission Specialist Mike Foale spent several hours this morning unstowing and checking the spacesuits they'll use tomorrow for a five hour spacewalk. The spacewalk will evaluate the warmth provided by thermal garments added to the spacewalkers' gear and as well as the astronauts' ability to maneuver large objects, in this case, the Spartan satellite. Harris and Foale reported the suits and other gear are in excellent shape and ready for the spacewalk. Also, Commander Jim Wetherbee and Pilot Eileen Collins checked out the flight control systems Discovery will use for landing. The cockpit displays and controls, navigation aids and the shuttle's aerosurfaces were tested and found in excellent shape as well. Later this morning, the crew will be interviewed by NBC's Today Show, and, shortly afterward, Collins will speak to students at the Elmira Free Academy, Elmira, N.Y., her alma mater. In addition, Wetherbee will have an opportunity to speak with his counterpart Commander aboard the Mir Space Station via a Mission Control, Houston, and Mission Control, Kaliningrad, Russia, link. Discovery is now about 31 nautical miles from the Spartan satellite that will be retrieved tomorrow and almost 300 nautical miles from Mir, circling Earth every 92 minutes in a 213 by 207 nautical mile orbit.