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The Safety and Effectiveness of Zidovudine in HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and Their Infants

This study has been completed.

Sponsors and Collaborators: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Glaxo Wellcome
Information provided by: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Identifier: NCT00000960

To determine whether the rate of HIV transmission from mother to infant can be reduced by continuous oral zidovudine (AZT) treatment to HIV infected pregnant women, intravenous AZT during childbirth, and oral AZT treatment of the newborn infant from birth to six weeks of age. The study is also designed to evaluate the safety of AZT for both the pregnant woman and the newborn infant.

No method exists to prevent transmission of HIV from an infected mother to her newborn infant. Giving an antiviral agent (such as AZT) to the mother and to the newborn could in theory decrease the risk of infection to the newborn by reducing the exposure of the fetus to maternal virus, or by preventive treatment of the fetus before exposure.

Condition Intervention Phase
HIV Infections
Drug: Zidovudine
Phase III

MedlinePlus related topics:   AIDS    AIDS and Pregnancy   

Drug Information available for:   Zidovudine   

U.S. FDA Resources

Study Type:   Interventional
Study Design:   Treatment
Official Title:   A Phase III Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerance of Oral Zidovudine (AZT) in Pregnant HIV Infected Women and Their Infants

Further study details as provided by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID):

Estimated Enrollment:   1496

Detailed Description:

No method exists to prevent transmission of HIV from an infected mother to her newborn infant. Giving an antiviral agent (such as AZT) to the mother and to the newborn could in theory decrease the risk of infection to the newborn by reducing the exposure of the fetus to maternal virus, or by preventive treatment of the fetus before exposure.

Patients are enrolled during their pregnancy, between 14 and 34 weeks of gestation. They are chosen by random selection to receive AZT or placebo. Treatment continues until labor at which time they begin to receive continuous intravenous study drug. Study drug treatment is discontinued after the umbilical cord is clamped. AZT is then offered all women as per labeled indications for 6 weeks postpartum, while appropriate medical followup is being arranged. Mothers who develop an AIDS defining illness or whose CD4+ cell counts decrease to less than 200 cells/mm3 during pregnancy are offered open-label drug at that time. The mother is followed by her primary obstetrician at an AIDS Clinical Trials Unit (ACTU) or subunit facility. The mother may deliver at the ACTU or a non-ACTU site. Treatment of the infant is started in the newborn nursery and continues on an outpatient basis. Infants receive the same study treatment as the mother for 6 weeks, and are monitored to week 78.

Ages Eligible for Study:   up to 60 Years
Genders Eligible for Study:   Both
Accepts Healthy Volunteers:   No


Inclusion Criteria

Concurrent Medication:

Allowed for infants:

  • Treatment for signs of drug withdrawal (e.g., phenobarbital, chlorpromazine, tincture of opium, paregoric, or Valium).
  • Treatment for nonserious conditions (e.g., syphilis treatment, hepatitis B vaccine).
  • All essential supportive treatment for conditions that are nonlife threatening as deemed by the on-site pediatrician.
  • Acetaminophen.
  • Standard immunizations.
  • Allowed for women:
  • All medications/treatments as required for normal OB care of HIV+ women, except as noted under exclusions.
  • Pneumocystis prophylaxis as indicated.
  • Topical steroids. Parenteral and oral steroids for 6 or fewer days.

Concurrent Treatment:

Allowed for pregnant woman:

Blood transfusion for anemia (hemoglobin less than 7 g/dl).

Allowed for infant:

- Blood transfusions for anemia except if attributed to study drug.


Patients must:

  • Have HIV infection.
  • Intend to carry pregnancy to term.
  • Be willing to be followed by a participating ACTG center for duration of the study.
  • Be able to provide informed consent (if available, father of the fetus must also provide informed consent).
  • Infants may enroll simultaneously in other pediatric protocols after completing the initial 6 weeks of study treatment.
  • Inclusion age for women is 13 years old or more or IRB local age of consent.
  • Inclusion age for infants is 0 to 20 months.

Exclusion Criteria

Co-existing Condition:

Infants with the following conditions or symptoms are excluded:

  • Requiring treatment for hyperbilirubinemia (except phototherapy).

Concurrent Medication:


  • Infants:
  • Antiretroviral drugs or vaccines.
  • Excluded during current pregnancy:
  • Zidovudine (AZT).
  • Other antiretroviral agents (e.g., rCD4, CD4-IgG, d4T, didanosine (ddI), dideoxycytidine (ddC)), passive immunotherapy (e.g., HIVIG), anti-HIV vaccines, cytolytic chemotherapeutic agents.
  • Corticosteroids for equal to or more than 7 days.

Patients with the following are excluded:

  • Evidence of preexisting fetal anomalies that may (1) result in a high probability that the fetus/infant will not survive to the end of the study period (e.g., anencephaly, renal agenesis, or Potter's syndrome); or (2) increase the fetal tissue concentration of zidovudine (AZT) or its metabolites to a toxic level (e.g., neural tube or ventral wall defects).
  • Baseline sonogram completed within 28 days prior to randomization that demonstrates 2nd trimester findings of anencephaly or oligohydramnios, or 3rd trimester findings of unexplained polyhydramnios, fetal hydrops, ascites or other evidence of preexisting in-utero anemia.
  • History of intolerance to AZT dose of 500 or less mg/day prior to this pregnancy that resulted in discontinuation of treatment for more than 4 weeks.
  • Recipient of AZT during current pregnancy for any indication or meet criteria for AZT as defined by this protocol (CD4+ cell counts less than 200 cells/mm3 or AIDS).
  • Infants not having parent/guardian available to give informed consent if necessary.

Prior Treatment:

Excluded during current pregnancy:

  • Radiation therapy.
  Contacts and Locations

Please refer to this study by its identifier: NCT00000960

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Sponsors and Collaborators

Study Chair:     E Connor    
Study Chair:     R Sperling    
  More Information

Click here for more information about Zidovudine  This link exits the site

Sperling RS, Shapiro DE, Coombs RW, Todd JA, Herman SA, McSherry GD, O'Sullivan MJ, Van Dyke RB, Jimenez E, Rouzioux C, Flynn PM, Sullivan JL. Maternal viral load, zidovudine treatment, and the risk of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 from mother to infant. Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 076 Study Group. N Engl J Med. 1996 Nov 28;335(22):1621-9.
Newell ML, Gray G, Bryson YJ. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 infection. AIDS. 1997;11 Suppl A:S165-72. Review. No abstract available.
Connor EM, Sperling RS, Gelber R, Kiselev P, Scott G, O'Sullivan MJ, VanDyke R, Bey M, Shearer W, Jacobson RL, et al. Reduction of maternal-infant transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 with zidovudine treatment. Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 076 Study Group. N Engl J Med. 1994 Nov 3;331(18):1173-80.
Sperling RS, Shapiro DE, McSherry GD, Britto P, Cunningham BE, Culnane M, Coombs RW, Scott G, Van Dyke RB, Shearer WT, Jimenez E, Diaz C, Harrison DD, Delfraissy JF. Safety of the maternal-infant zidovudine regimen utilized in the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group 076 Study. AIDS. 1998 Oct 1;12(14):1805-13.
Wiznia AA, Crane M, Lambert G, Sansary J, Harris A, Solomon L. Zidovudine use to reduce perinatal HIV type 1 transmission in an urban medical center. JAMA. 1996 May 15;275(19):1504-6.
Rouzioux C. Prevention of maternal HIV transmission. Practical guidelines. Drugs. 1995;49 Suppl 1:17-24; discussion 38-40. Review.
Dickover RE, Garratty EM, Herman SA, Sim MS, Plaeger S, Boyer PJ, Keller M, Deveikis A, Stiehm ER, Bryson YJ. Identification of levels of maternal HIV-1 RNA associated with risk of perinatal transmission. Effect of maternal zidovudine treatment on viral load. JAMA. 1996 Feb 28;275(8):599-605.
Culnane M, Fowler M, Lee SS, McSherry G, Brady M, O'Donnell K, Mofenson L, Gortmaker SL, Shapiro DE, Scott G, Jimenez E, Moore EC, Diaz C, Flynn PM, Cunningham B, Oleske J. Lack of long-term effects of in utero exposure to zidovudine among uninfected children born to HIV-infected women. Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 219/076 Teams. JAMA. 1999 Jan 13;281(2):151-7.
Shearer WT, Quinn TC, LaRussa P, Lew JF, Mofenson L, Almy S, Rich K, Handelsman E, Diaz C, Pagano M, Smeriglio V, Kalish LA. Viral load and disease progression in infants infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Women and Infants Transmission Study Group. N Engl J Med. 1997 May 8;336(19):1337-42.
Frenkel LM, Cowles MK, Shapiro DE, Melvin AJ, Watts DH, McLellan C, Mohan K, Murante B, Burchett S, Bryson YJ, O'Sullivan MJ, Mitchell C, Landers D. Analysis of the maternal components of the AIDS clinical trial group 076 zidovudine regimen in the prevention of mother-to-infant transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Infect Dis. 1997 Apr;175(4):971-4.

Study ID Numbers:   ACTG 076
First Received:   November 2, 1999
Last Updated:   July 31, 2008 Identifier:   NCT00000960
Health Authority:   United States: Federal Government

Keywords provided by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID):
Pregnancy Complications, Infectious  
Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects  
Administration, Oral
AIDS-Related Complex

Study placed in the following topic categories:
Virus Diseases
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Viral
Pregnancy Complications
HIV Infections
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Pregnancy Complications, Infectious
AIDS-Related Complex
Retroviridae Infections
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes
Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects

Additional relevant MeSH terms:
Anti-Infective Agents
RNA Virus Infections
Anti-HIV Agents
Slow Virus Diseases
Immune System Diseases
Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological Action
Enzyme Inhibitors
Antiviral Agents
Pharmacologic Actions
Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
Anti-Retroviral Agents
Therapeutic Uses
Lentivirus Infections
Nucleic Acid Synthesis Inhibitors processed this record on October 29, 2008

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