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Science Highlights: August 2007

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(Click on the images for a larger view)

Slide 01: Satellite-derived Distributions of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in the Coastal Ocean
Slide 01: Satellite-derived Distributions of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in the Coastal Ocean

Slide 02: Satellite-derived Distributions of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in the Coastal Ocean (continued)
Slide 02: Satellite-derived Distributions of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in the Coastal Ocean (continued)

Slide 03: Accelerated Decline in the Arctic Sea Ice Cover
Slide 03: Accelerated Decline in the Arctic Sea Ice Cover

Slide 04: Accelerated Decline in the Arctic Sea Ice Cover (continued)
Slide 04: Accelerated Decline in the Arctic Sea Ice Cover (continued)

Slide 05: Using the Moon to Monitor MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Calibration Long-term Stability
Slide 05: Using the Moon to Monitor MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Calibration Long-term Stability

Slide 06: Using the Moon to Monitor MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Calibration Long-term Stability (continued)
Slide 06: Using the Moon to Monitor MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Calibration Long-term Stability (continued)

Slide 07: Frozen Precipitation: Winter 2006-07
Slide 07: Frozen Precipitation: Winter 2006-07

Slide 08: Frozen Precipitation: Winter 2006-07 (continued)
Slide 08: Frozen Precipitation: Winter 2006-07 (continued)

Slide 09: Historical Climatology of Satellite-Derived Global Land Surface Moisture
Slide 09: Historical Climatology of Satellite-Derived Global Land Surface Moisture

Slide 10: Historical Climatology of Satellite-Derived Global Land Surface Moisture (continued)
Slide 10: Historical Climatology of Satellite-Derived Global Land Surface Moisture (continued)

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