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Science Highlights: May 2007

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(Click on the images for a larger view)

Slide 01: Automated vegetation classification using small footprint NASA Lidar
Slide 01: Automated vegetation classification using small footprint NASA Lidar

Slide 02: Automated vegetation classification using small footprint NASA Lidar (continued)
Slide 02: Automated vegetation classification using small footprint NASA Lidar (continued)

Slide 03: North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (NASG) Seasonal Variability Modulates Biological Production in the South Atlantic Bight
Slide 03: North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (NASG) Seasonal Variability Modulates Biological Production in the South Atlantic Bight

Slide 04: North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (NASG) Seasonal Variability Modulates Biological Production in the South Atlantic Bight (continued)
Slide 04: North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (NASG) Seasonal Variability Modulates Biological Production in the South Atlantic Bight (continued)

Slide 05: Annual Surveys of Arctic Ice Sheets and Glaciers
Slide 05: Annual Surveys of Arctic Ice Sheets and Glaciers

Slide 06: Annual Surveys of Arctic Ice Sheets and Glaciers (continued)
Slide 06: Annual Surveys of Arctic Ice Sheets and Glaciers (continued)

Slide 07: Ultra-high Resolution Soil Moisture Remote Sensing
Slide 07: Ultra-high Resolution Soil Moisture Remote Sensing

Slide 08: Ultra-high Resolution Soil Moisture Remote Sensing (continued)
Slide 08: Ultra-high Resolution Soil Moisture Remote Sensing (continued)

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