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Woman in laboratory.
Sandia recognizes the value of ongoing education. There are many ways to continue to learn and earn additional degrees with help from Sandia.


Education Programs

Sandia supports degree programs through campus courses, videotape, satellite, internet, and interactive television.

To Participate in any of the University Based Educational Programs you must be a regular employee. Limited Term Employees and Contractors are not eligible.

Tuition Assistance

Sandia provides tuition assistance for job- and/or mission-related university level courses and degree programs. Read about our university-based educational assistance programs:

Special Degree Programs

Special Degree Programs (SDP) include the Masters Fellowship Program (MFP), the University Part-time Program (UPT), Special Master's Program (SMP), and the Doctoral Study Program (DSP). Special Degree Programs, with the exception of the MFP Program, are available to help SNL fill critical and urgent business needs. To be eligible for nomination to UPT, SMP or DSP, nominee must meet all of the following criteria:

Read about our university-based educational assistance programs: