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Tips for the Savvy Supplement User: Making Informed Decisions

The choice to use a dietary supplement can be a wise decision that provides health benefits. However, under certain circumstances, these products may be unnecessary for good health or they may even create unexpected risks. The Food and Drug Administration, health professionals, and other health-related organizations receive many inquiries each year from consumers seeking health-related information, especially about dietary supplements. Clearly, people choosing to supplement their diets with herbals, vitamins, minerals, or other substances want to know more about the products they choose so that they can make informed decisions about them.

Given the abundance and conflicting nature of information now available about dietary supplements, you may need help to sort the reliable information from the questionable. The FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition has prepared these tips and resources to help you become a savvy dietary supplement user. The principles underlying these tips are similar to those principles a savvy consumer would use for any product.

Basic Points to Consider

Tips on Searching the Web

When searching on the Web, try using directory sites of respected organizations, rather than doing blind searches with a search engine. Ask yourself the following questions:

More Tips and To-Do's

Note: You may obtain more information on how the FDA regulates dietary supplements and on the manufacturers' responsibilities for the products they market at "Questions and Answers,"

For More Information

The following are selected references about dietary supplements that may help users understand and evaluate information encountered on the Internet or in the marketplace. For additional tips on finding and evaluating health information on the Internet, see ~dms/ds-savvy.html#resources.

Product Claims and Labeling

Advertising Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements and Kids

Other Sources

For updates on dietary supplements, see