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Interactive Story - Clicking this link opens a new window. Click for next page
Astronaut on EVA We'd like you to meet a few of the people behind the success of the International Space Station. Now, with the first crew moving in this month to live and work on the station, it's a wonderful reality.
Snap Shots
Curbeam video - Clicking this link opens a new window.
Curbeam video - Clicking this link opens a new window.

Laurini video - Clicking this link opens a new window.
Laurini video - Clicking this link opens a new window.

Nishikawa video - Clicking this link opens a new window.
Nishikawa video - Clicking this link opens a new window.

Robert L. Curbeam, Jr. - NASA Astronaut/Commander, U.S. Navy
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Can a man find happiness tethered to the outside of a ship wearing a 300-pound suit...220 miles up? For Astronaut Robert Curbeam, happiness is a spacewalk!
Kathy Laurini - NASA Coordinator, European Transfer Vehicle
Take 1 family, add 2 parents (1 American/1 Italian) working on the International Space Station, mix in 3 children (all trilingual)...and blend everyone into The Netherlands for some real international flavor. (Is there a Day Planner for this?) Just all in day's work for Kathy Laurini.
Takayoshi Nishikawa - Astronaut Trainer, Japan
If astronauts have trainers for Space, who trains the astronaut trainers? For Takayoshi Nishikawa, he trains himself but for his own adventures on Earth.

There are currently seven profiles of the people behind the Station.
Make sure you check out the new additions!
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Curator: Kim Dismukes | Responsible NASA Official: John Ira Petty | Updated: 04/07/2002
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