Global Data

  • Credit

    Image by R.B. Husar, Washington University; the land layer from the SeaWiFS Project; fire maps from the European Space Agency; the sea surface temperature from the Naval Oceanographic Office's Visualization Laboratory; and cloud layer from SSEC, U. of Wisconsin

This globe shows data collected from multiple sensors and integrated into one image. Notice the three-dimensional cloud measurements; these will be collected by ASTER and MISR aboard NASA's Terra spacecraft, while MODIS measures total cloud cover on a daily basis. The 1997-98 El Nino temperature anomaly is visible as red in the Pacific Ocean while the red dots on land show the locations of forest fires. Terra's ASTER, MISR, MODIS, and MOPITT instruments are all uniquely-designed to observe fires and help us measure the smoke and gases they release. Together with CERES, Terra's instruments help us understand the Earth as a whole, integrated system.


  • Sensor

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