Volunteers for Prosperity
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USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network
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Picture - Man at waterpump. - Picture - Women at computer.

General Questions

What is Volunteers for Prosperity?

On May 21, 2003, President George W. Bush expanded his call to service and announced Volunteers for Prosperity, a new volunteer-based initiative supporting major U.S. development initiatives overseas using the talents of highly skilled American professionals working through American organizations to improve health and generate prosperity in developing countries around the world.

A part of the President's USA Freedom Corps volunteer service initiative, Volunteers for Prosperity

  • Supports new and existing U.S. government initiatives with professional, highly skilled American volunteers;
  • Encourages Americans with appropriate technical expertise to seek international voluntary service for flexible periods of time, such as weeks, months, or longer; and
  • Helps to deliver skilled U.S. volunteers to developing countries and emerging economies to promote health and prosperity in a cost-efficient manner.

How does Volunteers for Prosperity work?

Volunteers for Prosperity helps match doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, economists, computer specialists, and others with U.S. organizations working on specific U.S. development initiatives. For example, a doctor in Pennsylvania who wants to volunteer for three months to help HIV/AIDS patients Uganda can be matched with a medical organization that is working in Uganda and needs highly skilled volunteers.

What major U.S. development initiatives does Volunteers for Prosperity support?

Who administers Volunteers for Prosperity?

The Office of Volunteers for Prosperity in the U.S. Agency for International Development coordinates with other relevant U.S. government agencies in seeking ways to expand and enhance volunteer service opportunities and will evaluate prospective grantees in part according to their ability and plans to use highly trained volunteers in carrying out their work. The Office reports to the White House office of USA Freedom Corps.

Through the USA Freedom Corps, President Bush wants to help every American answer the call to volunteer service by strengthening and expanding service opportunities to protect our homeland, support our communities and extend American compassion around the world. Interested volunteers can find opportunities at home or abroad by contacting participating organizations in Volunteers for Prosperity.

Whom can I contact for more information?

Please contact the Office of Volunteers for Prosperity for any additional questions:

Email: volunteersforprosperity@usaid.gov

Phone: 202-712-1010

USA Freedom Corps Department of State Department of Commerce Department of Health and Human Services USAID