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Lori Losey

photo of lori losey I grew up in Lancaster, CA, and, while watching my favorite shows on TV, I thought it would be fun to be in commercials. I auditioned for a couple of things and got a part as an extra in a CBS special. I found that I was more interested in what was happening behind the scenes. From that moment on, I turned my attention to photography classes. It wasn't until I reached college that I had the opportunity to take video classes.

I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Broadcasting in 1987 from Pepperdine University. Since my graduation, I have worked at Jones Intercable Channel 3 as a freelancer producing, directing, operating camera, editing and anchoring sports and news programs. I started working for NASA in July 1988. I've flown in a variety of aircraft in my 11 years at NASA, including the T-38, F-18, F-15, F-104, Air Force tankers and helicopters. My function involves documenting all of Dryden's research aircraft for use in education, presentations, media release and engineering analysis.

The most rewarding aspect of working at Dryden has been the ability to be involved with all of Dryden's research projects. I am actively involved in all aspects of producing videos, from writing the script and directing and shooting the footage to editing. I have been privileged to fly in a variety of high performance aircraft chasing some of the most unique aircraft in the world, like the SR-71.

You never know what may inspire you to choose a career. It could be as simple as watching your favorite TV show.


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