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Liliana Arevalo, Student Intern

photo of liliana arevalo I am 16 years old and will be a junior attending Quartz Hill High School in California, and I'm a member of the swim team. I am very interested in the Medical field, so this fall I will be attending a Medical academy, which will give me exposure and hands-on experience on a possible future career.

I was a summer intern working at Dryden through Analytical Services and Materials, Inc., a contractor at NASA. During my summer internship, I worked in the Education office with Norma Navarro, Coordinator of Student Programs.

My main task was to create a university contact database. I also had the opportunity to work on "Women of NASA." I submitted information along with photos and biographies of nine women at Dryden to the administrator of the "Women of NASA" web page at Ames Research Center. The web page has been developed to profile highly visible women from NASA to participate in web chats with young women to encourage them to pursue degrees in math and science.

In addition to my two main tasks, I supported the Coordinator of Student Programs with all student activities.

With all the experience I obtained this summer I learned how to interact with people in a professional environment. I learned how to use the computer along with its software (Word, Filemaker Pro, Powerpoint, Excel). The clerical experience gave me the opportunity to learn how to use office equipment (fax, copier, phone switchboard). I was exposed to the day in and day out of office functions and business ethics.

I also had the opportunity of meeting a diversity of college students from around the world. My fellow students made me feel welcome and encouraged me to follow my goals.


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