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photo of kristine guerra lawrence I am a Gravitational Biology Facility Engineer. I work on a project that is developing hardware for the Space Station. My days are filled with interactions with lots of people in science, operations, schedule, cost, and engineering. A lot of this communication is done by computer via an e-mail system, and in meetings.

The most exciting aspect of my job is being part of a team that is working together to design and develop a payload that will actually fly in space, and which research scientists will be able to use to advance our knowledge of the effects of microgravity on living systems.

I was always good, but I wasn't outstanding in math and science. I was just very driven to work to my potential, so that I could work in a technical environment at NASA. I had to work very hard to get where I am. Even though the pressures were there that some fields were for "boys", I mostly ignored those because I personally felt that girls could do and should do anything boys did. I would have liked to have known that NASA and other federal agencies offer many exciting career opportunities for every girl and boy.

In high school, I was not encouraged to go into engineering and was not exposed to the opportunities that an engineering career has to offer, so I went into health/life sciences. Once I had completed my undergraduate degree and learned about bioengineering, I went back to school for a graduate degree in engineering (having to make up many of the math and engineering classes).

I am a cyclist, a mentor for an 8th grade girl, and a member of the Advisory Committee for Women at NASA Ames Research Center. I am also married and expecting my first child! I was in the Air Force for 6 years as a flight medic on a C-130 aircraft, and went to the Persian Gulf during the war.

If one is willing to give their all, all dreams are possible.

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