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photo of dora lopez I recently changed jobs and will be posting a complete new profile in English and Spanish soon. I am now a Network Engineer. I support the Earth Observing System (EOS), Mission to Planet Earth project under a program called the NASA Research and Education Network (NREN). NREN's existing high performance network is the cornerstone for NASA's collaboration in the Next Generation Internet (NGI). The Earth observing system is interested in NREN's advance networking technology because NREN is developing testbeds that can test and run their advance networking applications today. NREN provides a testbed for both advanced network research and science applications research, which fits great with EOS's goals. I basically take EOS's requirements and fit them into NREN's architecture. It is exciting to be part of a project that is developing advance technology today. With the way things are going at NASA , industry and academia will soon be part of a new high speed and reliable 21st Century Internet.

My previous work: I am a NASA K-12 technical assistant. I have worked with various projects including the Antarctica Project and School Internet Projects. When working on a project I have to make sure that the equipment that I am using works properly. I test the equipment, get specifications on the equipment, design diagrams to make sure the engineering layout is correct and approved by everyone on the project. Finally, I have to become familiar with the other parties that I will be working with.

Most of my days are usually filled up with meetings and reading electronic mail that pertains to the project. The most enjoyable thing about my job at NASA is interacting with school children and traveling.

When I first started pursuing my engineering degree I would sometimes feel out of place in some classes because 97% of the class would be male. But this has not been my biggest obstacle because, after a while, you sort of get used to the fact that, "If a man can do it, a woman can definitely do it!" My biggest obstacle has been having a limited amount of money. As a student, not a rich one either, I always need to cut down on spending money on the wrong things.

I was always around a "B" average in my math and science classes in high school but I would have liked to known that math and science never go away. So the more you know it the better you will do in college.

"Life is playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as you go on!"

A Day in the Life of Dora Lopez

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