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Erika Kraus
Jeremiah Marquis
Susan Miller-Coulter
Michelle Ross
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Volunteer Journals

Ian Jobe

Georgia, 2006 - 2008

Ian Jobe

Raised in Colorado, Ian Jobe, 23, has brought his love of the outdoors to his latest role as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Georgia. When he’s not teaching English (and the weather is nice), Ian is usually outside hiking, swimming, or jogging. You can also find him running local activity clubs, meeting up with other Volunteers, or spending time with his host family. Already a fixture in his town of about 50,000, people greet him regularly with "Hello, Ian" and "Hello America."

(last journal entry posted 111 days ago)


Erika Kraus

Benin, 2005 - 2007

Erika Kraus

With a double major in Biology and French, Erika Kraus, 23, is taking advantage of her education. As an environmental action Volunteer in Benin, West Africa, Erika primarily works with NGOs on garden and nursery projects, and aids local women’s groups. When she’s not officially working, she’s reading, writing, playing sports, or spending time with her friends. Sometimes she tries her hand at cooking, but most of the time she’s simply learning to live in a new culture.

(last journal entry posted 81 days ago)


Jeremiah Marquis

Paraguay, 2006 - 2008

Jeremiah Marquis

Jeremiah Marquis, 24, originally from a small town in Ohio (pop. 250), now lives in Paraguay as a municipal services Volunteer. When he’s not working to install street lights or distribute needed medicine, he is practicing Spanish or drinking tereré (a popular tea drunk through a metal straw) with his neighbors. Jeremiah is currently getting his master's through the Peace Corps Master’s International program and plans to attend law school when he completes his service.

(last journal entry posted 85 days ago)


Susan Miller-Coulter

Jordan, 2006 - 2008

Susan  Miller-Coulter

Susan Miller-Coulter, 64, wanted to join the Peace Corps after hearing President John F. Kennedy’s speech in 1960, but life took her in other directions. After 50 years in New York City and raising a daughter, Susan spent 14 years as a home health nurse and chorus singer in Burlington, Vermont. Newly inspired to join the Peace Corps after traveling through Eastern Europe, Susan is a youth development Volunteer in Jordan and is finally living her dream.

(last journal entry posted 89 days ago)


Michelle Ross

China, 2006 - 2008

Michelle Ross

Michelle Ross, 28, and her husband Thad are both Volunteers in rural China and teach English at a college designed to train future teachers. Before joining the Peace Corps, Michelle earned a master’s degree in education and taught middle school English for six years. Inheriting a love of travel from her parents, Michelle spent time studying and traveling in Central and South America. These experiences have helped prepare her for her biggest adventure yet—being a Peace Corps Volunteer in China.

(last journal entry posted 116 days ago)


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