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TCRB International: Research and Training

Research Training in Tobacco Control, China
NCI is working with the American Cancer Society; University of California, Berkeley; University of Southern California; Johns Hopkins University; George Washington University; and University of California, San Diego, to plan regional research training workshops that will enhance China's capacity in tobacco-related research. China consumes and produces more cigarettes than any other nation in the world. These research training workshops will help reduce China's cigarette consumption and improve health outcomes.

Research on Tobacco Use, India
Since 2002, NCI has funded a project with the TATA Institute of Fundamental Research to study the relative risk of different cancers in relation to tobacco use, particularly bidi smoking and smokeless tobacco in India. Tobacco use, including smokeless tobacco use, is prevalent in all segments of Indian society. This project will use data from the population-based cancer registry in Mumbai, India to understand age-sex cancer incidences within India.

Last Updated: November 22, 2006


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