Short-term Prediction Research
and Transition Center


Quarterly Reports


January-February-March  April-May-June  July-August-September  October-November-December


January-February-March  April-May-June  July-August-September  October-November-December


January-February-March  April-May-June  July-August-September  October-November-December


Science Advisory Committee (SAC) Presentations 2007

Science Advisory Committee (SAC) Presentations 2005

Status Reports of Current Projects

March 26, 2008: An Enhanced SST Composite for Weather Forecasting and Regional Climate Studies - Gary Jedlovec
January 30, 2008: Comparison of AIRS L2 Profiles to Ground-Based Soundings - Brad Zavodsky
November 7, 2007: THOR Tornado and Hazardous weather (Hurricane) Observations and Research Overview - Dr. Kevin Knupp
November 7, 2007: Computational Resource Consumption with SPoRT - Will McCarty
September 12, 2007: New Product to Help Forecast Convective Initiation in the 1-6 Hour Time Frame - John Walker
April 18, 2007: Plans for Near-Real-Time AIRS L2 Profile Assimilation - Brad Zavodsky and Shih-Hung Chou
April 4, 2007: Accuracy Statistics of satellite-estimated Convective Initiation, and Future Directions - Dr. John Mecikalski (UAH)
February 28, 2007: CloudSat and QuickBeam Overview - Andrew Molthan
February 14, 2007: Use of High Resolution WRF Simulations to Forecast Lightning Threat - Bill McCaul
January 31, 2007: Utilization of AMSR-E products in SPoRT - Frank LaFontaine
January 10, 2007: Improved Modeling of Land-atmosphere Interactions Using a Coupled Version of WRF with the Land Information System - Jonathan Case
December 6, 2006: Operational Deployment of Datasets - Holly Allen


Technical Contact: Dr. William M. Lapenta (

Responsible Official: Dr. James L. Smoot (

Page Curator: Paul J. Meyer (