Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission TRMM homepage
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NASA National Aeronautics & Space Administration Homepage
[GSFC] Goddard Space Flight Center Homepage

[JAXA] National Space Development Agency of Japan Homepage
NASA Earth Observatory
[EOS] Earth Observing System Homepage
Colorado State Univ. - Radar Meteorology Program

Related Links
Field Campaign Soundings QC: Data Availability and Quality Control
[GCDC] Global Change Data Center Homepage
[NOAA] National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Data Set Catalog
[DMSP] Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Data Archive
Sea Surface Temperatures retrievalsfrom the TRMM Microwave Imager
JAXA Tropical Cyclone data base

Field Experiments

[SCXMEX] The South China Sea Experiment
[KWAJEX] The Kwajalein Experiment
TRMM-LBA Field Campaign

TRMM Research
Latest Results from Global Data Assimilation at GSFC
References, descriptions, and some of the code used in sampling studies for TRMM
Sea Surface Temperature retrievals from TRMM Microwave Imager at RSS
General Questions and Answers about rain and weather Singapore

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