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Research Topics: Tobacco Products

Other Related Activities

Testimony before the United States Senate Committee on Science, Commerce, and Transportation

Dr. Cathy Backinger, Chief of the Tobacco Control Research Branch, testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation regarding Cigarette Tar and Nicotine Ratings on November 13, 2007. Witnesses at this hearing testified about the Federal Trade Commission’s tar and nicotine rating system for cigarettes and claims and marketing.
Full Text (PDF), Summary (PDF)

International Agency for Research on Cancer Monographs

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has three recent monographs on tobacco-related agents. Volume 83 reports on the carcinogenicity of tobacco smoke and involuntary smoking. Volume 85 reports the evidence on the carcinogenic risk of chewing betal quid with and without tobacco. Volume 89 reports the carcinogenic risks associated with the use of smokeless tobacco, including chewing tobacco and snuff. Recently published monographs can be found by clicking on the IARC monograph website.

The First Conference on Menthol Cigarettes

The First Conference on Menthol Cigarettes (PDF) was held in March 2002 with the purpose of evaluating and presenting the state of the science on the health implications of adding menthol to cigarettes.

World Health Organization’s Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation

The World Health Organization’s Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation (TobReg) is made up of national and international experts in product regulation, tobacco dependence treatment, and laboratory analysis of tobacco.

Menthol Cigarettes- Setting the Research Agenda

A supplement issue in Nicotine and Tobacco Research was published in February 2004 (Volume 6, Supplement 1). For more information, visit the Nicotine & Tobacco Research website.

Last Updated: August 11, 2008


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