Short-term Prediction Research
and Transition Center

MODIS Training

False Color Snow

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    This module provides a basic understanding of how the MODIS false color snow product, provided in AWIPS, differentiates snow on the ground from clouds. It is available as a zipped VISIT View Module. Once you have downloaded and unzipped the module into your directory, run the visitlocal.bat file to conduct your training.

  • GOES Aviation Training

    Fog Depth

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       (user guide)

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    This training module focuses on the use of the Fog Depth product within the GOES Aviation suite provided through a collaboration between SPoRT and NESDIS. The use of this product along with the Low Cloud Base product is demonstrated in support of aviation forecasts of ceiling and visibility. This module takes 16 minutes to complete and requires the flash plug-in. (May 2008)

  • AMSR-E Training

    Data and Imagery

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    Provide basic understanding of the data characteristics of the AMSR-E (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System) instrument on NASA.s Aqua platform.

    • Required knowledge base
    • Orbit and scan characteristics
    • Microwave channels
    • Spatial resolution
    • Usage and products
    • References and links
    (November 2007)

  • Convective Initiation Training

    Monitoring Satellite Data

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    Monitoring Satellite Data for Day- and Night-time Convective and Lightning Initiation

    John R. Mecikalski, Kristopher M. Bedka, Simon J. Paech, Todd A. Berendes, Wayne M. Mackenzie

    (August 2007)

  • SPoRT ADAS Training

    A Meso-Surface Analysis

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    This training module focuses on a mesoscale surface analysis called the SPoRT ADAS that SPoRT provides to the National Weather Service in Huntsville. The product contains a high-resolution analysis of temperature, moisture, and winds in support of nowcasting and producing gridded forecasts.

    (July 2008)

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