Short-term Prediction Research
and Transition Center

Related Meetings

2006 NWS SRH SOO-NASA/SPoRT Joint Workshop
July 11-13, 2006          Description          Agenda          Attendees 

World Weather Research ProgramSymposium on Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting
Toulouse, France September 5-9 2005.

2005 Southern Thunder Workshop (formerly LATEST)
July 25-27, 2005          Description          Agenda          Attendees 

Total Lightning Applications, Transition, Evaluation, Science and Technology Demonstration (LATEST)
Minutes of the AMS 2005 Meeting

2004 Total Lightning Applications, Transition, Evaluation, Science and Technology Demonstration (LATEST) Workshop
April 1-2, 2004          Description          Agenda          Attendees 

2002 NASA - NWS Joint Symposium on Short-Term Forecasting and the Convective Weather Warning Process
April 9-10, 2002          Description          Agenda          Attendees          Survey

2002 USWRP Warm Season QPF workshop

1999 NWS/GHCC Collaborative Workshop on Mesoscale Modeling and Short-term Convective Forecasting


Technical Contact: Dr. William M. Lapenta (

Responsible Official: Dr. James L. Smoot (

Page Curator: Paul J. Meyer (