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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) is available at the following sites:

Published Articles Search Page
Disease Trends - Morbidity and Mortality Tables

The Search page allows you to access articles published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report dated February 12, 1982 through the present including many of the Supplements, Surveillance Summaries and Recommendations and Reports that have been issued. You can search for articles containing specified words and/or phrases, or retrieve the most current weekly issue directly. You may also retrieve and display tables and figures that are included with the selected article.

The Disease Trends query application allows you to access data since 1996 through the present week, corresponding to the numbered tables printed in the MMWR each week. The Morbidity data are provisional cases of selected national notifiable diseases from the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System. The Mortality data is from CDC's 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System.

You may also sign up for free electronic MMWR subscriptions at the MMWR site.


This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007