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Benefit Calculators
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Benefit Calculators

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Benefit Calculators
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Use any of the calculators below to estimate your potential benefit amounts using different retirement dates and levels of future earnings. The calculators will show your retirement benefits as well as disability and survivor benefit amounts if you should become disabled or die.


Note: If you are eligible for a pension based on work that was not covered by Social Security, your benefit amount may be reduced by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) or Government Pension Offset (GPO).

Use our WEP Online Calculator or download the Detailed Calculator to see the effect of WEP on your estimated benefits. (The Quick Calculator and the basic version of the Online Calculator cannot adjust for WEP.)


Quick Calculator

(Aquí en Español)

Detailed Calculator


Online Calculator

(Aquí en Español)

Input your date of birth and your complete earnings history to get a benefit estimate. You may project your future earnings until your retirement date.


This calculator gives you a simple, rough estimate when you input your date of birth and this year's earnings.
(You must be age 21 or older for this calculator to work correctly.)

Note: The Quick Calculator does not include reduction for WEP.

This calculator provides the most precise estimates. It must be downloaded and installed on your computer.
(Includes reduction for WEP.)

Note: There is a Mac version of the Detailed Calculator

Things you should know:

  • None of these calculators are linked to your Social Security earnings record. They use the earnings amounts you enter.

    If you want to use your Social Security earnings record to calculate your retirement benefits, please use our Retirement Estimator.

  • All three calculators assume you have enough credits to qualify for benefits. They produce an estimate even if you do not actually have enough credits.

  • Calculator estimates will differ from those on your Social Security Statement if you use different assumptions.

    Example: If you had earnings last year, your Social Security Statement benefit estimate assumes you will have similar earnings for every future year until you turn 62.

    If you tell us you will stop working before the year you turn 62, the calculator estimates will not include earnings for the years after you stop working.

  • You can download the Mac version of the Detailed Calculator from

If you need a benefit estimate on someone else's record, such as your spouse or parent, use our toll-free number 1-800-772-1213 (if you are deaf or hard of hearing, use our toll-free TTY number, 1-800-325-0778) or contact your nearest Social Security office.


If you already have a benefit estimate

If you already have a benefit estimate, visit More charts & calculators to:

  • learn how earnings, pensions, and different retirement dates can affect your benefits and
  • find out how much additional income you may need when you retire. Portal to U.S. government agencies Privacy Policy | Website Policies & Other Important Information | Site Map
Last reviewed or modified Friday Sep 12, 2008
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