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Bibliography of Literature on Alaska Natives, Tobacco, and Cancer

This bibliography features journal articles that address tobacco use and tobacco-related cancers among Alaska Natives. Articles published in the English language from January 1980 to April 2005 were retrieved from the PubMed and Web of Science databases using the following search terms:

  • Alaska Natives
  • Tobacco
  • Cigarettes
  • Smoking
  • Smokeless
  • Cigars
  • Chew
  • Spit
  • Bidis
  • Iqmik

Adams E, Miller V, Ernst C, Nishimura BK, Melvin C, Merritt R. Neonatal health care costs related to smoking during pregnancy. Health Econ. 2002;11:193-206.

Ahluwalia BI, Mack KA, Murphy W, Mokdad AH, Bales VS. State-specific prevalence of selected chronic disease-related characteristics -- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2001. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2003;52:1-80.

Allen J, LeMaster PL, Deters PB. Mapping pathways to services: Description of local service systems for American Indian and Alaska Native children by Circles of Care. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2004;11:65-87.

Backinger CL, Bruerd B, Kinney MB, Szpunar SM. Knowledge, intent to use, and use of smokeless tobacco among sixth grade schoolchildren in six selected U.S. sites. Public Health Rep. 1993;108:637-642.

Banerji A, Bell A, Mills EL, et al. Lower respiratory tract infections in Inuit infants on Baffin Island. Can Med Assoc J. 2001;164:1847-1850.

Bashshur R, Quick R. Health attitudes and behaviours of Native Alaskans. Artic Med Res. 1991;313-319.

Becker TM, Bettles J, Lapidus J, et al. Improving cancer incidence estimates for American Indians and Alaska Natives in the Pacific Northwest. Am J Public Health. 2002;92:1469-1471.

Beltz DN. Tobacco use in rural Alaska and the trampling tobacco project. Alaska Med. 1996;38:24-25.

Bjerregaard P, Dewailly E, Young TK, et al. Blood pressure among the Inuit (Eskimo) populations in the Arctic. Scand J Public Health. 2003;31:92-99.

Blum RW, Harmon B, Harris L, Bergeisen L, Resnick MD. American Indian -- Alaska Native youth health. JAMA. 1992;267:1637-1644.

Bolen JC, Rhodes L, Powell-Griner EE, Bland SD, Holtzman D. State-specific prevalence of selected health behaviors, by race and ethnicity -- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1997. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ. 2000;49:1-60.

Bowerman RJ. Alaska Native cancer epidemiology in the Arctic. Public Health. 1998;112:7-13.

Brems C. Substance use, mental health, and health in Alaska: Emphasis on Alaska Native peoples. Artic Med Res. 1996;55:135-147.

Brown MO, Lanier AP, Becker TM. Colorectal cancer incidence and survival among Alaska Natives, 1969-1993. Int J Epidemiol. 1998;27:388-396.

Brownson RC, Eyler AA, King AC, Shyu YL, Brown DR, Homan SM. Reliability of information on physical activity and other chronic disease risk factors among US women aged 40 years or older. Am J Epidemiol. 1999;149:379-391.

Bruerd B. Smokeless tobacco use among Native American school children. Public Health Rep. 1990;105:196-201.

Buchwald D, Furman R, Ashton S, Manson S. Preventive care of older urban American Indians and Alaska Natives in primary care. J Gen Intern Med. 2001;16:257-261.

Bulterys M. High incidence of sudden infant death syndrome among northern Indians and Alaska natives compared with southwestern Indians: Possible role of smoking. J Community Health. 1990;15:185-194.

Bulterys M, Morgenstern H, Welty TK, Kraus JF. The expected impact of a smoking cessation program for pregnant women on infant mortality among Native Americans. Am J Prev Med. 1990;6:267-273.

Burhansstipanov L. National Cancer Institute’s Native American cancer research projects. Alaska Med. 1993;35:248-254.

Burhansstipanov L, Gilbert A, LaMarca K, Krebs LU. An innovative path to improving cancer care in Indian country. Public Health Rep. 2001;116:424-433.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cancer mortality among American Indians and Alaska Natives -- United States, 1994-1998. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2003;52:704-707.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cigarette smoking among American Indians and Alaskan Natives -- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1987-1991. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1992;41:861-863.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevalence of cigarette use among 14 racial/ethnic populations -- United States, 1999-2001. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2004;53:49-52.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevalence of selected cardiovascular disease risk factors among American Indians and Alaska Natives -- United States, 1997. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2000;49:461-465.

Centers for Disease Control. Smokeless tobacco use in rural Alaska. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1987;36:140-143.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Surveillance for health behavior of American Indians and Alaska Natives. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2003;52:SS-7.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use among high school students in Bureau of Indian Affairs-funded schools -- United States, 2001. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2003;52:1070-1072.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tobacco use among U.S. racial/ethnic minority groups--African Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Hispanics. A Report of the Surgeon General. Executive summary. MMWR Recomm Rep. 1998;47:1-16.

Chan KK, Mail PD, Marlatt GA. Tobacco use in American Indian and Alaska Native adolescents: Implications for intervention programs. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2004;28:152A (abstract not available).

Christensen R. Health problems among Alaskan Eskimo infants and young children. Artic Med Res. 1990;49:63-67.

Cobb N. Environmental causes of cancer among Native Americans. Cancer. 1996;78:1603-1606.

Davidson M, Kuo C, Middaugh J, et al. Confirmed previous infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae (TWAR) and its presence in early coronary atherosclerosis. Circulation. 1998;98:628-633.

Davidson M, Schnitzer PG, Bulkow LR, et al. The prevalence of cervical infection with human papillomaviruses and cervical dysplasia in Alaska Native women. J Infect Dis. 1994;169:792-800.

DeCourtney CA. Alaska Native community assessment: Health care services, knowledge of health issues, and health education. Int. J. Circumpolar Health. 1998;57:656-661.

Denny CH, Holtzman D, Cobb N. Surveillance for health behaviors of American Indians and Alaska Natives: Findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1997-2000. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ. 2003;52:1-13.

Denny CH, Taylor TL. American Indian and Alaska Native health behavior: Findings from the behavioral risk factor surveillance system, 1992-1995. Ethn Dis. 1999;9:403-409.

Dietz PM, Adams MM, Kendrick JS, Mathis, MP. Completeness of ascertainment of prenatal smoking using birth certificates and confidential questionnaires -- Variations by maternal attributes and infant birth weight. PRAMS Working Group. Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System. Am J Epidemiol. 1998;148:1048-1054.

DiFranza JR, Dussault GF. The federal initiative to halt the sale of tobacco to children -- The Synar Amendment, 1992-2000: Lessons learned. Tob Control. 2005;14:93-98.

Dixon M, Myers WW, Book PA, Nice PO. The changing Alaskan experience: Health care services and cultural identity. Western J Med. 1983;139:917-922.

Ehrsam G, Lanier A, Holck P, Sandidge J. Cancer mortality among Alaska natives, 1994-1998. Alaska Med. 2001;43:50-60, 83.

Ellis J, Campos-Outcalt D. Cardiovascular disease risk factors in Native Americans: A literature review. Am J Prev Med. 1994;10:295-307.

Etzel RA, Jones DB, Schlife CM, Lyke JR, Dunaway CE, Middaugh JP. Saliva cotinine concentrations in young children in rural Alaska. Arctic Med Res. 1991;566-567.

Filner JJ, Krohn KD, Lapidus JA, Becker TM. Risk factors for osteoporosis in Alaska Native women: A cross-sectional survey. Alaska Med. 2002;44:8-13, 21.

Finkelstein EA, Khavjou OA, Mobley LR, Haney DM, Will JC. Racial/ethnic disparities in coronary heart disease risk factors among WISEWOMAN enrollees. J Womens Health. 2004;13:503-518.

Fiscella K, Williams DR. Health disparities based on socioeconomic inequities. Implications for urban health care. Acad Med. 2004;79:1139-1147.

Fisher PA, Ball TJ. The Indian Family Wellness project: An application of the tribal participatory research model. Prev Sci. 2002;3:235-240.

Fisher PA, Ball TJ. Tribal participatory research: Mechanisms of a collaborative model. Am J Community Psychol. 2003;329:207-216.

Fortuine R. Enjoying the weed -- Arctic style (1826-27). Alaska Med. 1991;33:132.

Fortuine R. Historical notes on the introduction of tobacco into Alaska. Alaska Med. 1996;38:3-7.

Fortuine R. Pipe-smoking along the Yukon (1867). Alaska Med. 1997;39:53.

Frank ML, Lester D. Self-destructive behaviors in American Indian and Alaska Native high school youth. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2002;10:24-32.

Freeman B, Iron Cloud-Two Dogs E, Novins DK, LeMaster PL. Contextual issues for strategic planning and evaluation of systems of care for American Indian and Alaska Native communities: An introduction to Circles of Care. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2004;11:1-29.

Garza D. Alaska Natives assessing the health of their environment. Int J Circumpolar Health. 2001;60:479-486.

Gaudette LA, Dufour R, Freitag S, Miller AB. Cancer patterns in the Inuit population of Canada 1970-1984. Arctic Med Res. 1991;443-446.

Gaudette LA, Freitag S, Dufour R, Baikie M, Gao RW, Wideman M. Cancer in Circumpolar Inuit. Background information for cancer patterns in Canadian Inuit. Acta Oncol. 1996;35:527-533.

Gazmararian J, Adams MM, Pamuk ER. Associations between measures of socioeconomic status and maternal health behavior. Am J Prev Med. 1996;12:108-115.

Gessner BD, Ussery XT, Parkinson AJ, Breiman RF. Risk-factors for invasive disease caused by streptococcus-pneumonia among Alaska Native children younger than two years of age. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1995;14:123-128.

Glanz K, Croyle R, Chollette V, Pinn V. Cancer-related health disparities in women. Am J Public Health. 2003;93:292-298.

Giovino GA. Epidemiology of tobacco use among US adolescents. Nicotine Tob Res. 1999;S31-40.

Giovino GA, Schooley MW, Zhu BP, et al. Surveillance for selected tobacco-use behaviors -- United States, 1900-1994. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ. 1994;43:1-43.

Grossman DC, Krieger JW, Sugarman JR, Forquera RA. Health status of urban American Indians and Alaska Natives. A population-based study. JAMA. 1994;271:845-850.

Hansen MA, Schumacher C, Ingle DE, Middaugh JP, Mehrkens HL. Tobacco use among Alaska youth. Alaska Med. 1996;38:26-30.

Hansen MA, Schumacher C, Ingle DE, Middaugh JP, Mehrkens HL. Youth risk behavior survey: The Alaskan perspective. Int J Circumpolar Health. 1998;57:642-647.

Hensel MR, Cavanagh T, Lanier AP, et al. Quit rates at one year follow-up of Alaska Native Medical Center Tobacco Cessation Program. Alaska Med. 1995;37:43-47.

Hesselbrock MN, Hesselbrock VM, Segal B, Schuckit MA, Bucholz K. Ethnicity and psychiatric comorbidity among alcohol-dependent persons who receive inpatient treatment: African Americans, Alaska natives, Caucasians, and Hispanics. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2003;27:1368-1373.

Hesselbrock VM, Hesselbrock MN, Segal B. Alcohol dependence among Alaskan natives and their health care utilization. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2003;27:1353-1355.

Holman RC, Shay DK, Curns T, Lingappa JR, Anderson LJ. Risk factors for bronchiolitis-associated deaths among infants in the United States. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2003;22:483-489.

Hurt RD, Renner CC, Patten CA, et al. A form of smokeless tobacco used by pregnant Alaska natives: Nicotine exposure in their neonates. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2005;17:281-289.

Husten CG, Chrismon JH, Reddy MN. Trends and effects of cigarette smoking among girls and women in the United States, 1965-1993. J Am Med Womens Assoc. 1996;51:11-18.

Jorgensen ME, Pedersen MB, Siggaard C, et al. Twenty-four-hour blood pressure among Greenlanders and Danes: Relationship to diet and lifestyle. Scand J Clin Lab Inv. 2002;62:413-422.

Kaplan S, Lanier A, Merritt RK, Siegal PZ. Prevalence of tobacco use among Alaska Natives: A review. Prev Med. 1997;26:460-465.

Kaufman DJ, Gutman KA, Carter EA, et al. Prevalence of smoking and relation to selected cardiovascular disease risk factors in Alaska Eskimos: The Gocadan Study. Circulation. 2005;111:P275 (abstract not available).

Lanier AP. Cancer incidence in Alaska Natives -- Comparison of two time periods, 1989-93 vs. 1969-73. Cancer. 1998;83:1815-1817 (abstract not available).

Lanier AP. Cancer in Circumpolar Inuit. Background information for Alaska. Acta Oncol. 1996;35:523-525.

Lanier AP. Epidemiology of cancer in Alaska Natives. Alaska Med. 1993;35:245-247.

Lanier AP. Increase in lung cancer in Alaska natives: How high will the rates go? Alaska Med. 1996;38:38-39.

Lanier AP, Alberts SR. Kidney and bladder cancer in Inuit 1969-1988. Acta Oncol. 1996;35:595-599.

Lanier AP, Bender T, Talbot M, et al. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Alaskan Eskimos Indians, and Aleuts: A review of cases and study of Epstein-Barr virus, HLA, and environmental risk factors. Cancer. 1980;46:2100-2106.

Lanier AP, Bulkow LR, Novotny TE, Giovino GA, Davis RM. Tobacco use and its consequences in northern populations. Artic Med Res. 1990;49:17-22.

Lanier AP, Holck P, Ehrsam Day G, Key C. Childhood cancer among Alaska Natives. Pediatrics. 2003;112:e396.

Lanier AP, Kelly JJ, Holck P. Pap prevalence and cervical cancer prevention among Alaska Native women. Health Care Women Int. 1999;20:471-486.

Lanier A, Kelly J, Holck P, Smith B, McEvoy T, Sandidge J. Cancer incidence in Alaska Natives thirty-year report 1969-1998. Alaska Med. 2001;43:87-115.

Lanier, AP, Kelly JJ, Smith B, et al. Cancer in the Alaska Native populations: Eskimo, Aleut, and Indian. Incidence and trends 1969-1988. Alaska Med. 1994; 36:3-92.

Leads from the MMWR. Smokeless tobacco use in rural Alaska. JAMA. 1987;257:1861,1865.

Lewis TC, Stout JW, Martinez P, et al. Prevalence of asthma and chronic respiratory symptoms among Alaska Native children. Chest. 2004;125:1665-1673 (abstract not available).

Liu LL, Stout JW, Sullivan M, Solet D, Shay DK, Grossman DC. Asthma and bronchiolitis hospitalizations among American Indian children. Arch Pediat Adol Med. 2000;154:991-996.

Mahaney FX Jr. Alaskan teenagers receive awards for work to counter chew and snuff. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1989;81:894-896.

Mala T. Alaska native ‘grass roots’ movement: Problem solving utilizing indigenous values. Artic Med Res. 1985;40:84-91.

McCusker D. Tobacco use among American Indian/Alaska Native youth in Wisconsin. WMJ. 2001;100:40-42.

Michalek AM, Mahoney MC, Papas M, Tenney M, Burhansstipanov L. Tribal-based cancer control activities among Alaska Natives: Services and perceptions. Alaska Med. 1996;38:59-64,83.

Miller AB, Gaudette LA. Cancer of the respiratory system in Circumpolar Inuit. Acta Oncol. 1996;35:571-576.

Mills PA. Incorporating Yup’ik and Cup’ik Eskimo traditions into behavioral health treatment. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2003;35:85-88.

Mohatt GV, Hazel KL, Allen J, Stachelrodt M, Hensel C, Fath, R. Unheard Alaska: Culturally anchored participatory action research on sobriety with Alaska Natives. Am J Community Psychol. 2004;33:263-273.

Murphy NJ, Butler SW, Petersen KM, Heart V, Murphy CM. Tobacco erases 30 years of progress: Preliminary analysis of the effect of tobacco smoking on Alaska Native birth weight. Alaska Med. 1996;38:31-33.

Nelson DE, Bland S, Powell-Griner E, et al. State trends in health risk factors and receipt of clinical preventive services among US adults during the 1990s. JAMA. 2002;287:2659-2667.

Nielsen NH, Storm HH, Gaudette LA, Lanier AP. Cancer in Circumpolar Inuit 1969-1988. A summary. Acta Oncol. 1996;35:621-628.

Noe T, Fleming C, Manson S. Healthy nations: Reducing substance abuse in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2003;35:15-25.

Norton I, Manson S. Research in American Indian and Alaska Native communities: Navigating the cultural universe of values and process. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1996;64:856-860.

O'Malley SS, Levenson A, GreyWolf I, et al. Prevalence of smoking among a sample of Alaska natives in a study of treatment for alcohol dependence. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2004;28:160A-160A (abstract not available).

Owen P, Ingle DE, Schumacher C. The prevalence of tobacco use among Alaska adults. Alaska Med. 1996;38:21-23,51.

Paltoo DN, Chu KC. Patterns in cancer incidence among American Indians/Alaska Natives, United States, 1992-1999. Public Health Rep. 2004;119:443-451.

Peterson JS, Barreto LA, Brunnemann KD. Smokeless tobacco: A product for the new generation of tobacco users. Dipping and chewing in the Northwest Territories, Canada, and its global relevance. Artic Med Res. 1990;49:32-38.

Pottoff SJ, Bearinger LH, Skay CL, Casssuto N, Blum RW, Resnick MD. Dimensions of risk behaviors among American Indian youth. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1998;152:157-163.

Renner CC, Patten CA, Enoch C, et al. Focus groups of Y-K Delta Alaska Natives: Attitudes toward tobacco use and tobacco dependence interventions. Prev Med. 2004;38:421-431.

Rhoades ER. American Indians and Alaska Natives -- Overview of the population. Public Health Rep. 1996;111:49-50.

Rhoades ER, Brenneman, G, Lyle J, et al. Mortality of American-Indian and Alaska Native Infants. Annu Rev Public Health. 1992;13:269-285.

Rith-Najarian SJ, Gohdes DM, Shields R, et al. Regional variation in cardiovascular disease risk factors among American Indians and Alaska Natives with diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2002;25:279-283.

Rodenhauser P. Cultural barriers to mental health care delivery in Alaska. J Ment Health Adm. 1994;21:60-70.

Schinke SP, Schilling RF 2nd, Gilchrist LD, Ashby MR. Health effects of smokeless tobacco. JAMA. 1987;257:781.

Schinke SP, Shilling RF 2nd, Gilchrist LD, Ashby MR, Kitajima E. Pacific Northwest Native American youth and smokeless tobacco use. Int J Addict. 1987;22:881-884.

Schumacher C, Davidson M, Ehrsam G. Cardiovascular disease among Alaska Natives: A review of the literature. Int J Circumpolar Health. 2003;62:343-362.

Segal B. Drinking and drinking-related problems among Alaskan natives. Alcohol Health Res World. 1998;22:276-280.

Segal B. Urban-rural comparisons of drug-taking behavior among Alaskan youth. Int J Addict. 1994;29:1029-1044.

Shopland DR, Hartman AM, Gibson JJ, Mueller MD, Kessler LG, Lynn WR. Cigarette smoking among U.S. adults by state and region: Estimates from the current population survey. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1996;88:1748-1758.

Singleton JC. Smokeless tobacco and oral disease. Alaska Med. 1996;38:35,51.

Sprout J. Cancer causation beliefs in an Alaskan village. Alaska Med. 1988;30:155-158.

Stamatakis KA, Brownson RC, Luke DA. Risk factors for exposure to environmental tobacco smoke among ethnically diverse women in the United States. J Womens Health Gend Based Med. 2002;11:45-51.

Stillner V, Kraus RF, Leukefeld CG, Hardenberg D. Drug use in very rural Alaska villages. Subst Abus Misuse. 1999;34:579-593.

Storm HH, Nielsen NH. Cancer of the digestive system in circumpolar Inuit. Acta Oncol. 1996;35:553-570.

Story M, Neumark-Sztainer D, Resnick MD, Blum RW. Psychosocial factors and health behaviors associated with inadequate fruit and vegetable intake among American-Indian and Alaska-Native adolescents. J Nutr Educ.1998;30:100-106 (abstract not available).

Sullivan A, Brems C. The psychological repercussions of the sociocultural oppression of Alaska Native peoples. Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monograph. 1997;123:411-440.

Walters K, Simoni J, Evans-Campbell T. Substance abuse among American Indians and Alaska Natives: Incorporating culture in an “indigenist” stress-coping paradigm. Public Health Rep. 2002;117:S104-S117.

Ward E, Jemal A, Cokkinides V,et al. Cancer disparities by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Commentary. CA Cancer J Clin. 2004; 54:72-77.

Welty TK, Coulehan JH. Cardiovascular disease among American Indians and Alaska Natives. Diabetes Care. 1993;16:277-283.

Wenman W, Joffres M, Tataryn I. A prospective cohort study of pregnancy risk factors and birth outcomes in Aboriginal women. Can Med Assoc J. 2004;171:585-589.

Wind S, Van Sickle D, Wright AL. Health, place and childhood asthma in southwest Alaska. Soc Sci Med. 2004;58:75-88.

Witmer J, Hensel M, Holck P, Ammerman AS, Will JC. Heart disease prevention for Alaska Native women: a review of pilot study findings. J Womens Health. 2004;13:569-578.

Zuckerman S, Haley J, Roubideaux Y, Lillie-Blanton M. Health service access, use, and insurance coverage among American Indians/Alaska Natives and Whites: What role does the Indian Health Service play? Am J Public Health. 2004;94:53-59.

Zvolensky MM, Kotov R, Antipova AV, et al. Cross cultural evaluation of smokers risk for panic and anxiety pathology: A test in a Russian epidemiological sample. Behav Res Ther. 2003;41:1199-1215.


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