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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Thursday, August 30, 2007

CONTACT: Theresa Clower
Phone: 202-606-7505


Youth Summertime Service Gets Push from National Service Agency


Grant Funds Available to Engage Youth in 2008 Summer of Service

Washington, D.C. - Following its inaugural Summer of Service in 2007, the Corporation for National and Community Service today announced that it will make nearly one million dollars available for youth service organizations to engage even more middle-school aged, disadvantaged youth in the Summer of Service for 2008.

“This program reaches the right kids, at the right time with the right opportunity,” said David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service. “When we enable disadvantaged youth in middle school to engage in service over the summer, we make it more likely that they will graduate from high-school and, less likely that they’ll become involved with drugs or crime. Summer of Service will help put these kids on an on-ramp for a lifetime of service.”

The grant program builds on the success of the 2007 Summer of Service, which engaged thousands of young people in service in New Orleans, Denver, Charleston, and several locations throughout New Jersey, helping nonprofit organizations engage more youth in service and reach more children and youth in need. Those programs were established when cities sought help in serving disadvantaged youth who had few options for positive activities during the summer months.

This spring, the Corporation released a study that cited the significant benefits to disadvantaged youth of engaging in service, which include: becoming more politically engaged, graduating from college, and believing they can make a difference in their communities. The report also noted that youth from disadvantaged circumstances are significantly less likely to have opportunities to serve, than those in better educated, more economically successful communities.

Eisner stressed that the grant funding will only be a part of the resources that the Corporation will use to support the Summer of Service in 2008. “All of the Corporation’s programs, from VISTA and NCCC, to AmeriCorps, Senior Corps and Learn and Serve America, will be focused on bringing even more service into summer programming for American children, especially middle school youth from disadvantaged circumstances,” he said.

“All young people deserve to benefit from a character and career building experience like service and this initiative answers that challenge head on,” said Marguerite Kondracke, President and CEO of the America’s Promise Alliance. “The Summer of Service is aligned with the Alliance’s new campaign to improve the lives of 15 million disadvantaged young people and is specifically in tune with our strategy supporting it to engage middle-schoolers in volunteer and career exploration opportunities so they are ready for the real world.”

Eligible applicants for this grant include national, state, or multi-state organizations that are experienced in working with and planning activities for middle school youth. The applicants must demonstrate the ability to provide youth from disadvantaged circumstances with meaningful service-learning opportunities; experience working with youth from disadvantaged circumstances in out-of-school settings; the ability to serve youth in the geographic location for which the program is designed; and knowledge of the principals of service-learning. Grants may range in size from approximately $100,000 to $200,000. Up to six grants may be awarded.

To learn more about this grant opportunity and to apply for funding, please click here. The deadline for submitting applications is 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time on October 10, 2007. For further information, please email or call 202-606-7507.

The Corporation for National and Community Service improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Each year, the Corporation provides opportunities for more than 2 million Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve their communities and country through Senior Corps, AmeriCorps and Learn and Serve America. For more information, visit


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