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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Friday, January 12, 2007

CONTACT: Siobhan Dugan
Phone: 202-606-6707


New Orleans Volunteers Honor Dr. King though Service


Volunteers to Continue Hurricane Relief Efforts

New Orleans, La.— AmeriCorps members, the Hands On New Orleans, City Year, Volunteers of America, the Points of Light Foundation, Interfaith Works, and other nonprofit organizations will lead community volunteers in commemorating the Martin Luther King Holiday through service activities on January 15.

A large-scale project is planned at John McDonogh High School, one of the many New Orleans schools that suffered substantial damage when Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005. The project is designed to further King’s vision of “the beloved community.” John McDonogh High School, one of the few public high schools to re-open in New Orleans since 2005, draws its new student body from areas throughout the city. Volunteers will gather to paint, landscape, and undertake a general clean up of the building. On King Day, an expected 400 volunteers will paint second and third floor hallways, refurbish classrooms, and install donated chalk boards.

Volunteers will be led by AmeriCorps members, including those serving with City Year Louisiana and AmeriCorps*National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) who have been assisting with hurricane recovery efforts. Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu is expected to serve, as will Alison Fritz, White House Liaison and Director of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives for the Corporation for National and Community Service. The day also will be the kick-off for the Volunteers of America Children of Promise Mentoring program. Mentors and their youth partners will serve at the site. Other King Day activities include a youth leadership and community mapping project taking place at the St. Luke’s Homecoming Center.

Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco is urging Louisiana residents to serve on the holiday as part of the nation’s first statewide Justice Sunday the day before King Day. Through the National Alliance of Faith and Justice, communities throughout Louisiana will join others across the country hosting service projects the weekend of the federal holiday. "Communities across our state will participate in numerous projects throughout the year that bring people together to reflect and act on the principles of justice, service and equality that Dr. King so passionately fought for,” Governor Blanco said.

The National Day of Service is supported by numerous national organizations, including the American Red Cross, America’s Promise, the Arizona Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism, Big Brothers Big Sisters, City Year, Do Something, First Book, Habitat for Humanity International, Hands On Network, HOPE Worldwide, National Alliance of Faith and Justice, National Association of Service and Conservation Corps, Points of Light Foundation and Volunteer Center National Network, Service for Peace, United Way of America, Volunteer Match, and Youth Service America. National corporate sponsors include Bank of America, Best Buy, Cargill, Clear Channel Communications, Comcast, and the UPS Foundation.

The Corporation for National and Community Service improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Each year, the Corporation provides opportunities for more than 2 million Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve their communities and country through Senior Corps, AmeriCorps and Learn and Serve America. The Corporation honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. each year by spearheading a national Day of Service for all Americans. For more information, go to


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