Rick Cassinelli II, Kevin J. Kock, Kyle Steenland, Stephen Spaeth, Patricia Laber

Public Health Service
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Division of Surveillance, Hazards Evaluation, and Field Studies
Cincinnati, Ohio


Version of March 1, 2000

This manual and PC LTAS are in the public domain and may be freely copied.



1.0 Introduction/Acknowledgments

2.0 NIOSH Life Table Analyses: An Overview

2.1 Lagging exposures
2.2 Proportionate Mortality Ratio

3.0 Getting Started

3.1 Installation
3.2 File List
3.3 Recommended Computer System Configuration
3.4 Performance

4.0 How to Run a Life Table Analysis

4.1 Required Files
4.2 Using the Programs
4.3 Program Steps for Creating a Life Table
4.4 Projects.
4.5 Project Parameters input screen.
4.6 Help.
4.7 Exit.

5.0 Verify.

6.0 Stratify

7.0 Analyze

7.1 Reports.
7.2 Report Options.
7.3 Printing Options.
7.4 Select Majors/Minors.

8.0 Utilize

8.1 Export
8.2 Display Rates
8.3 Deceased Listing

9.0 Parameters and System Features Defined

10.0 Limits of LTAS Parameters


APPENDIX A. Glossary
APPENDIX B. Quick Start
APPENDIX C. Export File Format
APPENDIX D. Table D-1: Details of fields in the Demographics File
APPENDIX E. Table E-1: Details of fields in the Work History File
APPENDIX F. Table F-1: Details of fields in the Exposure File
APPENDIX G. How to build a structure file
APPENDIX H. Rate File with example
APPENDIX I. How to build a rate data file
APPENDIX J. Additional details of the Verify step
APPENDIX K. Table K-1: Relation between NIOSH 92 death categories and International Classification of Disease (ICD) groupings
APPENDIX L. Table L-1: Expanded NIOSH Death Categories: NIOSH 99
APPENDIX M. Table M-1: NIOSH Categories for SEER Cancer Incidence Rate File
APPENDIX N. Printer configuration with NEWPRTRS.EXE


Figure 3.1. Installation screen as it first appears.
Figure 3.2. Install asks for the last diskette before it asks for the first diskette.
Figure 3.3. Install asks for the second diskette.
Figure 4.1. Two typical lines in a demographics file.
Figure 4.2. Two typical lines in a work history file.
Figure 4.3. Two typical lines in a personal exposure file.
Figure 4.4. Two typical lines in an area exposure file.
Figure 4.5. LTAS Main Menu screen.
Figure 4.6. LTAS screen showing Projects pop-up window.
Figure 4.7. LTAS menu with pop-up screen for opening an existing project (Parameter) file.
Figure 4.8. LTAS screen for entering initial parameters.
Figure 5.1. LTAS Verify screen.
Figure 5.2. LTAS Verify: using the "Browse" button to find a file.
Figure 5.3. LTAS Verify Exposure Data: no exposure data
Figure 5.4. LTAS Verify Exposure Data: Screen to define exposures and to include or exclude plants, departments, operations.
Figure 5.5. LTAS Verify Exposure Data: defining an exposure file
Figure 5.6. LTAS Verify: end of program.
Figure 5.7. Summary.rpt file, first of two pages
Figure 5.8. Summary.rpt file, second of two pages
Figure 5.9. Verify exceptions report -- errors listed by worker number.
Figure 5.10. Verify report on errors in an exposure file.
Figure 6.1. LTAS Stratify screen.
Figure 6.2. Personal Cumulative Dose report "pcd.rpt."
Figure 6.3. Personal Cumulative Dose option.
Figure 6.4. Progress report window for the Stratify step.
Figure 7.1. Analyze screen.
Figure 7.2. Choice of printers in Analyze.
Figure 7.3. Minor 16 chosen for direct standardization in Analyze.
Figure 7.4. A parameters list is printed with each report.
Figure 7.5. Summary of Person Years, page one of two.
Figure 7.6. Summary of Person Years, page two of two.
Figure 7.7. Portion of output for observed/expected comparison by age group and calendar period (all races and sexes combined).
Figure 7.8. Portion of output for observed/expected comparison by duration of exposure and time since first exposure.
Figure 7.9. Portion of output from a direct standardization run.
Figure 7.10. Portion of output for observed/expected comparison by duration of exposure and time since first exposure with a five-year lag period.
Figure 7.11. Portion of output from Major/Minor Summary.
Figure 8.1. Utilize menu
Figure 8.2. LTAS Export screen.
Figure 8.3. LTAS Display Rates screen showing pop-up window for selection of calendar period.
Figure 8.4. LTAS Display Rates screen showing observed rates for the NIOSH minors.
Figure 8.5. Deceased Listing
Figure 8.6. Deceased Listing for a multiple cause run.
Figure 8.7. Deceased Listing prints to a text file.


Table 4-1: Summary of Demographics File
Table 4-2: Summary of Work History File
Table 4-3: Summary of Exposure File
Table 6-1: Summary of Personal Cumulative Dose report
Table 8-1: Summary of Deceased Listing
Table 10-1: Limits of LTAS Parameters
Table D-1: Details of fields in the Demographics File
Table E-1: Details of fields in the Work History File
Table F-1: Details of fields in the Exposure File
Table I-1: Format for raw rates input file for BldRate.exe
Table J-1: Verify step: conditions and corrections
Table J-2: List of fatal errors for Verify step
Table J-3: Verify Exceptions Report error messages
Table J-4: Verify exposure file exceptions report errors listing
Table K-1: Relation between NIOSH 92 death categories and International Classification of Disease (ICD) groupings
Table L-1: Expanded NIOSH Death Categories: NIOSH 99
Table M-1: NIOSH Categories for SEER Cancer Incidence Rate File.
Table N-1: Printer control codes in "" file
Table N-2: Dot matrix printers -- selected control codes.
Table N-3: HP LaserJet series -- selected control codes.
Table N-4: ASCII characters