The CFADC Bibliography

Through a network of expert consultants the CFADC maintains a categorized bibliography of atomic and molecular collision references relevant to fusion energy research and development. Since the data center's inception in 1958, over 100 journals have been regularly searched and over 60,000 individual entries have been accumulated. Presently, the bibliography may be queried on-line regarding the entries since 1978 (approximately 30,000). The archival entries dating from c.1950 to 1977 will be added in the near future.

Categories: The major categories and subcategories used in the bibliography

Search-category: Initiate a search of the CFADC Bibliographic Database by reaction category

Search-author: Initiate a search of the CFADC Bibliographic Database by author

Journals: The journals which have been searched over the last decade

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Last Modified: October 24, 1997.