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     Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are part of the national strategy for improving the operational safety, efficiency, and security of our nation’s highways. Since the early 1990s, ITS has been the umbrella under which significant efforts have been conducted in research, development, testing, deployment and integration of advanced technologies to improve the measures of effectiveness of our national highway network. These measures include level of congestion, the number of accidents and fatalities, delay, throughput, access to transportation, and fuel efficiency. A transportation future that includes ITS will involve a significant improvement in these measures while remaining environmentally friendly, and assuring the safety and security of the traveling public.

Intelligent Transportation Systems - Research Staff
Primary Contact: Bill Knee
Gary Capps
Shih-Miao Chin
Oscar Franzese
Steve Gordon
Pat Hu

Ho-Ling Hwang
Rekha Pillai
Tykey Truett
Demin Xiong






The Center for Transportation Analysis (CTA) conducts ITS research to support such a future. During the ITS/Intelligent Vehicle Highway System (IVHS) era, the CTA has conducted more than 50 major ITS projects. At the core of this work is our expertise in:

 traffic simulation modeling
 signal optimization
 real-time control
 safety and human factors
 vehicle intelligence
 rural transit
 automation and systems engineering
 operations research
 remote sensing
 economic, cost/benefit, and data/information analyses
 decision and management information systems

Useful Links:
ITS Deployment Tracking Website

Selected Presentations:
National Parks and Transit ITS (PDF)

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